Chapter 2

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I didn't care about the text from A last night, it wasn't bothering me besides I actually felt happy for breaking up with Liam. I stopped by at Spencer's house to drop her off before driving to mine.

The next morning I woke up because of a phone call. I forgot to look at the caller ID.

"Hello" I said, my voice still very weak since I just woke up. "Aria, hey did I wake you? I'm really sorry." It was Ezra. "Oh no, don't worry about it. What's wrong" I asked him. "Nothing really, I talked to someone  yesterday and I  was wondering if you could come as soon as possible, we really need to talk." "Uh, yea sure. I just need to get dressed, I'll be at yours in 30 minutes. Is that okay?" "Yes, see you. Bye Aria" he said.

After the phone call I got dressed quickly, stopped by at the brew to get a coffee and went up to his apartment. I knocked on the door and he opened it really fast.

"I'm glad you could come this fast, sorry again for waking you" Ezra said while we sat down on his couch. "Oh, it's okay. I had to wake up at some point of the day. Who did you talk to"  I asked him. "It doesn't matter,  but I" he sighed "I regret it so much. Leaving you that day you went to college. I should have gone after you. Because those five years without you were awful. And I'm so sorry for all of the horrible things you went through." He ran his hand through my hair "but I just want you to know that you've always been the one for me, since that day I met you in the bar. You know you're really beautiful, right?" I was blushing. "You don't have to be sorry" I whispered "I didn't go after you either... I wish I had but I didn't." He placed his hand on my cheek. "May I" he asked. I didn't answer because I kissed him. "Don't you ever say you're sorry again" I said laughing. Thinking about what happened after he had said that to me. "You know what happened after I said that, right." "Yea, but we can't right now" I said smiling "if that someone made you realize this, why can't you just tell me who it was?" "Because I promised that person I wouldn't tell so I'll keep my promise." I gave him one of my looks he couldn't resist back then in high school. "Aria, it's not going to work" he said while he looked away from me. I sat on his lap and put my arm around his neck. "I can keep a secret" I whispered in his ear. "Aria" he paused "okay fine. But you can't say anything to her about this or she'll kill me." He looked at me, placing his hand on my thigh waiting for my promise. "I promise." "Spencer" he said.

{ Flashback from Ezra's POV (he's explaining this to Aria) }

"Ezra, wait." I turned around and saw Spencer. "Spencer" I said. "I know what happened between you and Aria and if she knows I'm here talking to you she'll kill me. But I'll take the risk." "Spencer, I don't know what you're talking about" I said. "Do I really need to explain... Aria and I were going out for lunch yesterday, she told me she kissed you and all that stuff that happened after that" she rolled her eyes "however, she was confused and scared you would take this as a one-night stand or something like that. Above that, she got a message from A, she had to tell Liam about what happened or 'A' would do it.  I helped her and we went to New York, she broke up with him and now she is scared you won't take her back." I was going to say something but Spencer interrupted me. "No, Ezra. Let me finish this before I'm regretting it" she stopped waiting for me to say something but I kept quiet "what I'm trying to say is that, if you really still like her, which you obviously do otherwise you shouldn't have slept with her, then you should go and talk to her. You guys have so much history and you fought for her. Remember in high school?" I nodded, of course I remembered. How could I forget the love of my life? "Oh and please don't tell Aria" "Thank you Spencer. I won't tell Aria, I promise." She quickly walked away like nothing happened.

{ End of flashback }

"Don't get mad at her for doing it... She tried to help." I smirked. "Why do you have that evil smile on your face." "Well she promised not to interfere my relationship with you unless I'm interfering her relationship with Toby so now I'm able to do whatever I want." He laughed "I will never understand you girls." I placed a kiss on his lips and stood up "you may need to practice to understand them, if you're gonna end up with me..." He laughed "I'll try."

We watched an old black and white movie together just like the old times. It was just like we never were apart, like we have always been together. I stayed for dinner, he offered to cook a descent meal so I had to try it. He cooked pasta and it was actually really good. We were just sitting on the couch when my phone rang, it was Hanna. "Hey Han, what's up?" "Aria Marie Montgomery, you're 2 hours late! What's wrong? Get your tiny butt over here or I'll come and pick you up, I don't care where you are." Whoops, I forgot I had a girls' night with the girls... I heard Ezra laughing, he obviously heard what Hanna said. "Who's laughing? Where are you?" "No where Han, I will be there in 10 minutes. I'm sorry." I quickly hang up the phone and got my stuff together. "Well, it's a shame you and your 'tiny butt' can't stay here" Ezra said teasingly. "Oh shut up" I rolled my eyes "I'll see you tomorrow at Caleb's party." I kissed him and said my goodbyes.

I drove to Hanna's apartment and knocked on the door. "Aria! Good to see you too" Hanna said sarcastically. "Shut it" I said walking in "guys I'm sorry, I was doing something this afternoon and I completely forgot." "Where were you" Emily asked me. "I was just visiting an old friend." "You're blushing" Hanna said. "No I'm not, let's just watch this movie." I picked up a movie from the table, it was 'Friends with Benefits' we had seen that movie over a million times but we still loved it. We were watching the movie and eating popcorn. "What friend?" "Han, really? It was just an old friend and we were having fun so I forgot the time. I'm sorry for forgetting this okay?" Spencer noticed my frustration. "So, we're all going to Caleb's party tomorrow" she asked. "Yes" we all said. And after that none of the girls asked me about it again. We watched 3 more movies before I fell asleep. By then it was 2.30 in the morning and I was really tired.

The next day was Caleb's party and I was kind of nervous, I would see Ezra again but my friends would be there too. I didn't know I was ready to tell them what happened because if I'd tell them we were back together, I should probably tell them about our night together too and I was not ready to tell Hanna and Emily.

I was in Hanna's room helping her pick out her outfit. "You ready Han" I asked Hanna while I actually already knew the answer. "No, I don't know what I should wear. It's Caleb we're going to." "Hanna, calm down" I saw the perfect dress in her closet "here, wear this." I took the dress and gave it to Hanna. "It looks perfect on you!" After we were all done we drove to Caleb. I texted Ezra:

Hey Fitz, miss me already? I'm on my way, but I don't think it's a good idea to, you know show everyone. I didn't tell the girls we're back together yet. I'll tell them sometime, just not today.

Love you, x Aria ❤️

I really had fun at Caleb's party, it was just like the old times. I had no worries about 'A' that night. Besides that, Hanna and Caleb got back together. Spencer admitted she broke up with Caleb a few nights ago and that she is happy for her.

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