Chapter 7

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"So you all knew about it" I asked the girls hanging a cute baby romper back. "Yea, well he asked me first" Spencer said "he was wondering what you'd say and he asked us all some advice." "Advice?" "Yes, things like what you would love the most and all.." "Why didn't you say anything?" "You should've seen your face when he went down on one knee, you guys are adorable plus Ezra asked us not to tell you. He was surprised we didn't " Emily said. "This is cute, Ar" Alison said taking out another baby romper. "Everything that's little is cute but you're right Ali that romper is really cute" I said taking it from her. It was a pink romper with small white stripes. "I'll buy it, as a gift" she said. "You don't have..." "Accept it" she said smiling while taking the romper from me.

"Isn't that Andrew" Spencer said pointing to a man standing at the boy section. We walked towards him, he turned around. "Hey girls, still together I see?" "Hey Andrew" Spencer said ignoring his comment "expecting a little boy?" "Yes, my wife is pregnant." "You're married" I asked. "I married Jenna a few months ago. I bet you're expecting a baby too" he said pointing to my belly. "Yes." "So who is the lucky father?" "Lucky father" Hanna asked giggling. "Yea, you must be lucky getting a baby with THE Aria Montgomery, right?" This was getting awkward... I know we kissed and kinda dated but it didn't mean anything. "If you want to know so badly, the father is Ezra but we need to go, goodbye!" "As is Mr. Fitz?" "They're prefect together" Emily said "goodbye." We walked back to the girls section. "That was awkward" Emily said rolling her eyes. "Tell me about it" I said. "Let's pay this and go have dinner after that, you are probably hungry. Eating for two" Alison said. "Uhm... I actually want to go home, I'm really tired." "That's okay too. Em and I can drop you off, if you want." "That would be great, thanks!"

We walked to the car. Emily and Alison sat in front and I sat in the backseat. They looked at each other. "I'm sorry but I have to ask" I began. "Yes Aria, we are together now" Alison said interrupting me "if that was what you were going to ask." "You are?! Finally." She gave Emily a kiss on her cheek before starting the car. "What about Elliot?" "He is gone all the time so I broke up with him."

"Ezra, I'm back" I said closing the front door. "Crap" I said. "What's wrong Aria?" I didn't answer but just sat down at the couch, the cramps were killing me. "This kicking again. I can't wait until she's born." I could feel the pain fading away. "We need to think about names, right?" "Yes we do. What do you like?" "I don't know but I like Ava" Ezra said "with an A." "Ava?" "Yes, it means something like living and I just I don't know." "Ava Fitz" I said "hm I like the sound of that."

"Besides that how was shopping with the girls" Ezra asked bringing me closer to him on the couch. "Fun..and weird, Andrew was there too." "Andrew Campbell?" "Yes, apparently he married Jenna and they are expecting a boy." "And what was the weird part about it" Ezra said while he was playing with my hair. "He obviously saw I was pregnant and wanted to know who the 'lucky father' was" I said quoting him "it was just really awkward okay." He brought me closer to him again so I was almost on his lap. "I love you" he said kissing me in my neck. "Ezra don't." But he kept on kissing. His hand were drawing circles on my back and I had to admit that I was enjoying it. I let out a soft moan. "Ezra, please. Not now" I said putting my bra strap back on. "Why not? Aria I.." "Because I don't feel good doing it" I said interrupting him and I  really didn't, my body was changing enormously and I for sure didn't like the change. The hormones weren't on my side either. I stood up from the couch and went to the bedroom. "Where are you going" he asked me. "I'm going to bed, I'm tired." I walked to our bedroom and changed my clothes. Before I put on my shorts and shirt I looked in the mirror. I could see the way my body was changing. "You're beautiful" Ezra said standing in the doorway. I turned around slowly. "I don't feel beautiful." He walked toward me. "Trust me, you are" he said putting my hair after my ear "your body is changing, you'll find a way to accept how you look now. Just remember that you're pregnant and not fat. You sure you don't want to...?" He looked at my body. "Damn you're so beautiful" I heard him mutter. "Fine" I said. He started kissing me and brought me to the bed. I kissed him back while putting his shirt off. His amazing abs were showing. He laid me onto the bed and started kissing my neck again, that was my weak spot. He undid my bra and soon our naked bodies touched. It felt so good. "I love you" I whispered in his ear.

The next morning we woke up next to each other, my head was resting on his chest. He was playing with my hair when he noticed I was awake. "Good morning, beautiful" he said. "Good morning, handsome" I said smiling "I love to wake up next to you." "I could get used to this too." "We're not going to have sex every day" I said running my hand through his messy hair. "And why not may I ask, soon to be Mrs. Fitz." I smiled "I like the sound of that." He touched my back which made me shiver. "Sorry" he said "I'll make us some breakfast." He tried to lay my head on the pillow but I didn't move. "Stay, for a little while. I was just enjoying it." "We have the whole day to cuddle up together." He stood up from the bed, still naked. I couldn't help myself but stare at him. "Like what you see pookie bear?" "Don't call me that but yes I'm very much enjoying my view" I said rolling my eyes "now go put some boxers on, I'll come after you."

{Just a cute Ezria chapter❤️}

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