Chapter 10

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The last few weeks the girls had been ignoring me, but the worst thing was that I saw them meeting up with Ezra in the brew. I decided I would just ignore it.

I took a quick shower before Ava would wake up in the morning, when I was done showering I still didn't hear anything so I went up to her room, her bed was empty. I just thought Ezra would have grabbed her when I was taking a shower.

"Ezra? Do you have Ava" I asked.""No she is up there in her bed." "She isn't" I quickly walked to the living room" Ezra she is gone. I think A.D. took her." "Oh my god, how did it get in here. All the doors are locked and the windows are closed.I'll call the police." While I heard Ezra talking to the cops about Ava I got a message.

                   41.9682° N, 87.6803° W

                     On your own! - A.D.

When Ezra got off the phone I got my jacket and showed him the message. "You're not going on your own Aria. I'll call Toby and the police and we'll come after you" he said. "Ezra, no..." He interrupted me "Aria, I'm not losing you too. Now go and we'll go after you I know where it is." "How?" "Because I may have suggested this location, now go I'll explain later." He gave me a kiss and I ran to my car. I added the coordinates into my navigation system and drove to the destination.

It was a dark old fabric, I quickly parked my car and walked inside. The whole thing was dark and I used my flashlight to see anything. I started to run when I heard a whisper coming from a room on my right.

There he stood, his back turned to me. "She is beautiful" he said and I recognized the voice. "Andrew?" "You've figured it out..." He turned around facing me, Ava was fast asleep in his arms "A.D. as in Andrew Drake. Remember when I told you I was adopted?" "Can I hold my daughter, please." I was scared as hell but I needed to be strong. Before I went into the fabric I had got a message from Ezra saying he was there too, it made me feel safer. "You're even lucky to see her once again. My mom didn't agree at first but I begged her.." I interrupted him "please, I'll do anything!" "Don't trust that bitch, you did good Andrew." A shadow appeared in the darkness. "Mrs. DiLaurentis?" "No Mary Drake, sister of. Now give me the child." "Please, don't. I'm begging you, Andrew you're not like that" I tried. "I am Aria, I guess you never knew me that well. Say goodbye to your beloved daughter" Andrew said. I started crying, I had been holding back the tears for a while. "No please, I'm begging you" I almost screamed. Right at that moment Ezra, Toby and the police walked in. The police went to Andrew and Mary. Ezra took our daughter who was now crying. I ran to them. "Ezra" I said. "Aria." He hugged me and handed Ava to me. "Everything is okay baby, you're safe" I kissed her forehead while Ezra kissed the top of my head. "Thank god you both are safe, I wanted to go in sooner but Toby had to hold me back. I love you both so much. Aria I'm sorry for not telling you about.." "Oh shut up and kiss me" I said interrupting him. We kissed and Spencer ran in with the other girls. Alison was looking at Mary. "I'm not going mad, am I? You can see her too right?" "Ali it's not your mom, it's Mary Drake, your moms sister" I said. "Thank god you all are okay, we're all really sorry for going behind your back Aria but..." "Stop Spence" I said standing up "we're all okay and that's what matters."

"So A.D. is gone too? What kind of villain do we need to fight now? Or can we finally be happy and feel safe" Hanna said when we were all in our home. "I just hope that everyone will let you all rest, you girls went through a lot" Caleb said playing with Hanna's hair. She was sitting on his lap while she was cuddling with Ava who was fast asleep again. "I'm just glad Ava is okay" Spencer said.

*Time jump*

"Dear Aria,

The day I laid my eyes on you, you immediately took my heart. It had been a busy day and I don't think I've ever seen a girl like you.

I'm sorry we had to hide it for so long but it was worth it because look at us now. We're standing here in the park, your mom holding our beautiful 1-year old daughter.

You took my heart and now you'll take my hand, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

You're beautiful and an amazing mom, I know life hasn't been easy for you but your friends and I were always there for you. I love you so much."

At the end of his speech I was crying, I don't know.. I guess I'm just happy. Our song 'happiness' started playing while we kissed for the first time as husband and wife.

When we laid in bed that night he got out a small package "I wanted to give this to you" he said. I took it from him and opened it, it was a necklace. "Open it."

Take my heart and take my hand


"Oh my.." He laid his finger on my lip to stop me from talking. "I love you Aria." "I love you too."

{The end... I'm sorry if you think I rushed this off... But there will be like an extra thing☺️ ~ M}

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