Not That Close

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My body is spent and my mind wrung out. I don't mean to, but my eyes droop and my head flops from side to side begging for slumber. At some point on the way back to the church, I fall asleep on Hale's shoulder. I wake up just as the cart stops. I wipe my chin and pretend it never happened, ignoring his chuckling.

In the church, there is one candle lit near the door and Hale uses it to guide us to the loft.

"Wait here," he says in a threatening voice.

I have no energy to do anything else. Hale returns with a soapy basin of water and a clean towel. I don't care about anything when I see that water except getting clean. I strip down to my undershirt and pants and wash from my head down. When I'm at my feet, the water is black with dirt and grime. I still do my best to scrub and rinse my disgusting feet. It's hard to pull my filthy socks on after washing but too cold to consider not wearing them.

Behind me, Hale lies on the bed and pretends not to be watching me. I'm not sure what he's thinking, but I hope it's how gross I look. Our constant company has softened his edges but that is not what I want. In fact, it unnerves me.

"Your back looks bad. We have to change your bandages."

I shake my head, even though I know my back should be healing instead of burning and aching all day.

"Come on, lie on the bed on your stomach."

"It'll get wet," I say before remembering that I don't care.

"I know what I'm doing."

I don't move.

"I can make you. Knock you out, or just hold you down. You know I can. I'd rather you not die of an accidental infection. Kind of makes me look bad."

I snort.

"There you go, don't lose your fire, Princess."

I shrug and go over and lie down on my stomach. The bed is so soft and warm from his body resting while I washed. I'm clean, I had a basic meal today, and I am bone tired. While Hale is ministering to my wounds, I fall into a deep sleep. I sleep well for the first time in a long time. I dream of nothing.

When I wake, I am warm and being held in strong hard arms. I sigh. Maybe it was all a nightmare.

Kile. I lower my cheek to the arm and kiss the inner elbow. The body behind me stiffens.


I bolt into a sitting position, stretching my back painfully. I suck in an agonized breath. I am in Hale's bed. We were spooning.

"What the?" I look down. I'm in bandages and panties. My breasts are barely covered by the encircled gauze. I shield myself with my hands and turn to Hale. He is in his boxers and nothing else. His eyes are shut.

If he weren't so awful, he'd be handsome. I hate that. I worry that is why I didn't see through his façade- because it was such an appealing one. Maybe I used to be shallow and superficial, but not anymore. There is integrity in pulling out chicken guts all day no matter how you look or what your social status is. A person could be an awful witch with a whip working in a field, or a kind, timid girl in a factory just as easily as I could have been a cold, hard ruler or a thoughtful, warm leader. I have to get back to my dad. I have to tell him what I learned. He and I can change this, if only I can survive it.

I shake off my thoughts and remind myself that I am half-naked. I scan the room.

"Where are my clothes?" I demand loudly, poking Hale in the breastbone.

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