A break

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I need a break. So, I will not be posting for a week at most because, my life has been HECTIC! DX Not in a good way but not in a bad way either.

Next week is probably when things'll calm down a bit. We started school last Sunday...and they're already telling us that our Mid-terms are gonna be next month and the Terms the month after that! And we have 17 topics to complete in Chemistry!

It also doesn't help that I have Peace Day dance practice (which was postponed for another week!) for an additional 3 hours + missing classes >:(

So, to sum it all up, I'm tired and have HW, basically need some rest. If your request is not done yet, I'm sorry but you'll have to wait a bit. And could you all who have requested write the requests down below just so I have it in one place?

Thank you

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