
28 7 1

Tagged by @Scarletpawz

You must publish the rules.
Write 13 facts on yourself
You must put the tag in a book
No tagging the person who tagged you
Tag fifteen people at the end (<------- Lol, no)

1. I love T Swift
2. I love blue
3. I'm trilingual (know three languages since before I was 3)
4. I love Math and English
5. I'm going to take a Bio and Eng major
6. I have brown colored hair
7. My re-design of my OC, Midnight Blaze's hair is actually the style of my hair.
8. All of my OC's have part of my personality in them
9. I'm a Libra ♎️
10. I think I'm gonna get glasses 😭
11. If I had to choose, my Wattpad BFF is MLP333
12. In my country the drivers seat is on the left hand side.
13. My birthday is on 9th October

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