Chapter __ ~ Choices

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Shade stood outside Cloudcracker Prison, staring at the sky in complete silence. His thoughts were clouded with many different feelings. Anger. Sadness. Pity. He just wanted this nightmare to end. He wanted to be free. For Angelo to be free. But... this was not the case.

Is this what I get for being born from the Darkness?  He thought. Am I deserving of this torture?

Shade gave a long sigh. A few seconds after, he felt a light tap on his shoulder. Shade turned around to see the fat robot behind him. The robot gave him a warm smile.

"He's finally calmed down. We've set up a talk between the two of you."

Shade nodded, a solemn look in his eyes. "Thank you." He whispered.

Shade followed the robot back into the prison and down several hallways until the robot opened a white door. Inside was a sheet white room. Blindingly white, almost. Shade turned to see a table of cold, grey metal, a chair of the same substance and a communicator next to a window of clear crystal. Traptanium, probably. On the other side of the window was 'Scar'. Shade sighed quietly before walking over and sitting down at the table. He picked up the communicator, held it to the side of his head, then nodded to 'Scar'. 'Scar' nodded back, Angelo in control, and picked up the communicator.

"I do apologize for my outburst earlier." Angelo answered.

"It's alright." Shade said quietly. "You couldn't control yourself."

"I RESENT THAT!" Diablo roared.

"I can see that." Shade groaned.

"You said you needed my help?" Angelo inquired.

"Yes," Shade replied. "I'm... in quite the predicament." He was silent for a moment, as if he was going to regret what he said next. "Kaos... has come to the Academy and... has convinced everyone that he has changed. He is now being trained to be a Skylander."

"WHAT!?" Diablo yelled. He looked as if he was going to snap the communicator in half with his claws. "AND YOU DIDN'T KILL HIM!?"

"You don't think I wanted to!?" Shade cried back, slamming his fist down onto the surface of the table in rage. He was getting quite fed up with Diablo. Shade gritted his teeth to calm down and unclenched his fist. "Sorry. I don't trust him either. Someone knows this too."

"Who?" Angelo asked. Cocking his head to the side.

"A hooded figure. He wore black and red robes. He offered to show the Academy that Kaos was lying." Shade hung his head in guilt, closing his eyes. "But... in the process... I think I may have sold my soul."

'Scar' was silent. Gawking at Shade. Both Angelo and Diablo were in complete shock. Diablo finally broke the silence.


"I was angry!" Shade snarled, "Upset. Confused. When you're these things... you're prone to make dumb mistakes. Mine just turned out even dumber."

Angelo looked at Shade in pity. "I wish that I could help, old friend, but... that's an evil far above my power. I don't have a spell to counteract something that strong. I'm sorry."

"YOU'RE PRETTY MUCH DEAD." Diablo grinned wickedly.

Shade stared down at the table in defeat. "So... there's nothing that can help me?"

Angelo was silent for a moment, as if contemplating something that had just dawned on him. "Maybe..."

Shade raised his head, perking up at the possibility to get out of this grave he had dug himself.

"A long time ago," Angelo explained, "using some of the rarest material in the world... I made a scroll with a spell so powerful that it could dispel any curse. Only once, that is. It's hidden in an old Arkeyan forretress."

Shade looked as if he was about to cry. "Thank you, old friend..."

"ONE CONDITION..." Diablo's grin twisted in such a sickening way that it made even Shade uncomfortable. "YOU HAVE TO TAKE ME WITH YOU."

"What?!" Shade shouted. "And let you get out!? I'm not falling for that!"

Angelo was silent before giving a small sigh. "As much as I would hate to admit it, my other half is correct."

Shade looked up in surprise.

"Only I know where the fortress is, and where inside of it the scroll his hidden away. You will need my- our help."

Shade wasn't sure how to respond. This was a massive risk, but... did he have a choice? He looked back to the point when Krattix had ripped his heart straight from his body. It... it had hurt. It had felt like being burned by the flames of Hell. He didn't want to experience that again. Or worse than it.


Shade exhaled silently, then nodded his head. With that, Shade got to his feet and exited the room. He told the fat robot his request. The robot protested, but soon agreed in the most reluctant of manners. He walked Shade to a nearby room, completely fashioned of glittering white Traptanium. Once safely inside, the robot handed Shade a necklace with a small crystal hanging from it.

"This crystal is made from Traptanium, as you probably guessed already, so he'll still be locked up. Just... don't break it. Please."

Shade nodded, clutching the crystal tightly in his fingers, then turned as the room was filled with violent snarling noises. 'Scar' was being dragged by two large robots, one holding each arm as 'Scar' thrashed around wildly. Diablo in control. He didn't seem to enjoy being held. In the slightest. Diablo's piercing red eye darted over to Shade as the Darkling strung the necklace around his own neck.


"Only way to keep you from escaping." Shade replied bluntly.

Angelo nodded. He understood Shade's choice of actions. Diablo, on the other hand, seemed more than ticked off at this.

"Concentrate, and you'll open the crystal." The fat robot instructed slowly and wearily.

Shade closed his eyes. The world going quiet around him. He concentrated all of his thoughts, all of his emotions; until a large, swirling, black and white vortex appeared in front of him. Angelo smiled calmly. Diablo seemed utterly terrified. Without warning, 'Scar' tore free of the robots' grasp and rushed into the center of the vortex. Angelo in charge for the time being. The portal closed behind him. Shade looked down at the crystal strung around his neck. Now containing 'Scar' securely.

"Unfortunate to be inside another prison," Angelo sighed, "but I suppose it is required."

"JUST GO!" Diablo snorted impatiently.

Shade thanked the robot before walking out the door. He walked down the hallway towards the exit when a voice sounded out from one of the cells.

"Not taking me along as well?" Zelcron asked, pouting "I feel awfully jealous right now."

"CAN IT, BUG-EYES!" Diablo roared.

"Ignore him." Shade sighed, shaking his head slowly.

Angelo responded with a simple smile. Staying silent. Shade slowly walked down the final hallway and exited Cloudcracker Prison. Zelcron stared at the doorway as he sipped his wine.

"We will meet again very soon. I can promise you that, old friend."  

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