Chapter __ ~ Broken Beyond Repair

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Scrape: *brittish accent* Diablo! Be Kaos!

Whisp: *british accent* Diablo abjures the heck out of that idea! Why in Skylands would he want to be that pitiful runt?

Scrape: (Hmpf, fine.) *british accent* Kaos! Be Kaos!

Kaos looked over at Angelo, a shocked and slightly sheepish look on his face. "It was suppose to erase him for good... but... I guess that works too. Heh heh... sorry." the Dark Portal Master mumbled. Slightly distraught. "The real question isn't why it didn't work like I had planned, though. The REAL question is, were in Skylands did he go?! I'm quite sure that teleport wasn't MY doing."

Shade shook his head. "Whoever's in charge of Cloudcracker Prison is going to kill me for losing him..."

Angelo looked back to Kaos. Despite the situation, he still seemed as calm as before. "Regardless... thank you. It means the world to me to be myself again."

"Even though it was because of Kaos that you were like that in the first place..." Mammagma grumbled.

Kaos shot a quick glare to Mammagma, then smiled at Angelo. Bowing slightly. "It's the least I can do, wolfy. Just try to stay away from anything to do with the Darkness for a while. It still might have an affect on you for the time being while you're still recovering."

Angelo nodded understandingly. Shade smiled weakly at Kaos, a sign of thanks for helping his friend. Kaos yawned, stretching his arms into the air.

"Now, if you fools don't mind, it's Christmas eve. I'd like to go sulk in the shadows of my room for the remainder of this 'glorious' night, drowning in my own sorrow and inner darkness. See ya." Kaos sneered.

On that last note, Kaos turned and to leave the dungeons, heading back up to the main floor.

The sky was pitch black. Beautiful stars twinkling like flecks of gold. The silver moon was somewhat covered by puffy, grey clouds, but was finally visible. The snow wasn't coming down as heavy as before, but the snowflakes were large and fluffy like cotton balls someone was throwing off of the roof of the Academy. The dance had disbanded earlier, and now the halls were full of people. Enjoying this calm, quiet, Christmas eve. Kaos made his way through these people, getting quite a few looks, but nothing was said. They were too busy with the people that actually mattered to them. Kaos walked quickly threw the halls, but didn't make it to his room. He stood outside of Shoria's door. For some reason, Kaos was reluctant to knock. What if she was still hanging out with Kyrel? What if she didn't want to see him? What if... no. Kaos shook his head. Taking a deep breath. Working up the courage to do what he was about to do. They were friends. There was no reason he should feel like this. Kaos bit his lip, closed his eyes, then sighed. Giving the door a light knock. If Kyrel was still there, he'd come back later. That was all there was too it. From inside the room, Shoria heard the knock. It was faint, but it was the first noise aside from water sloshing she had heard in the past few minutes. Shoria stood up from where she had been sitting on the edge of her bed. She had changed back into her regular day outfit.

It must be Kaos. Shoria thought happily.

She was lucky Kyrel wasn't there any more, otherwise he would be furious. The two had parted ways just a few minutes ago. He had headed back to his dorm to get some rest. For some reason, Kyrel had seemed out of it. Just downright fatigued. With a slight skip to her step, Shoria walked over to the door and opened it, seeing her prediction had been correct. Kaos looked up from the floor.

"Hey, Kaos! Come on in, Kyrel isn't here." She smiled gleefully.

Kaos nodded, then shuffled in quietly. Shoria closed the door behind him. Kaos shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he stared down at the floor. Shoria watched Kaos just standing there. Her smile never once fading. Kaos glanced at the door, then back up at Shoria. At that moment, he fished his hand into his pocket, pulled out the small package and handed it to Shoria. His hands shaking slightly. Jagged, torn scraps of all kinds of wrapping paper barely clung to the outside of the package. A thin, black ribbon tied around it, helping to keep some of the snippets in place.

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