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I was getting too nervous. I couldn't really tell why, but I just wanted to see him again, and now for sure what he was like now. I got up from my seat and turned to Gemma. "I'm going to say hi to him." Gemma looked at me whilst biting her lip. "Um, sure. If that's what you really want.. But just, don't expect too much, alright? And don't be too shocked when you see him." I looked at her with a puzzled expression while my brain processed the words she just said. "Alright, see you in a few." 

I inhaled deeply, before I entered the room after a brief knock. I slowly opened the door, and there he was. His back was facing me, but when I saw his curls, I knew.

He suddenly turned around, which allowed me to take in his frame. He grew a lot broader over the past two years, tattoo's covering his arms, chest and starting to go up his neck, from what I could see. In the corner of his lip I saw two rings glistening, a septum hung from his nose and on top of that he had his eyebrow pierced as well.

He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "Can I help you?" he asked, with a deep, manly and slight husky voice. "I.. um, I'm Kathalena." He furrowed his eyebrows even more. "That's great for you, babe. Does that mean you want some kind of special treatment?" he chuckled and took a few steps closer, a smirk plastered on his face. "N-no, it doesn't. We were best friends when we were younger, Harry. Don't you remember?" 

His expression went blank as he walked past me. "Mum! Didn't I ask you to keep people out of my room!" he yelled from his doorstep. Ouch, rude much. The determination and coldness in his voice made me shiver. Gemma was right, he had changed. A lot.

"Fine, that was clear." I said to him before I made my way down again. 


Authors noteee!

So, alright. I try to update as often as possible, but I don't have a lot of readers anyway so. yeah. And school, so busy busy. 

Aside from thaaat, I'm not trying to 'copy' any story on here. I am trying to be as original as possible. If you see something that looks like another story, please let me know so I can adjust that. 

love. x 

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