Chapter 3

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In the orphanage, dinner was the time everyone looked forward to. It was a time to talk, laugh and eat. It was the last time of the day we were all together. The second Mrs. Taxon or one of her lackees said we needed to go to bed, everyone groaned, wanting five more minutes. Now, sitting at a long table with only my uncle on the other side, I was anxious for someone to say I could go to bed.

He still has that scowl and glances up at me occasionally while I play with the carrots on my plate. Did I mention, I HATE CARROTS!

I swirl the straw in my drink and watch a small whirlpool form. I wish I could somehow jump in and it would suck me in and spit me up far away from here.

Finally, the waiter came and took the empty, or almost empty, plates that lay in front of us. He left in the direction I believe is the kitchen. He reappears a minute later with dessert. I don't even look when he sets it down.

"Have you enjoyed dinner so far Miranda?" My uncle breaks the silence that has lasted for over a half hour. I look at him and, as expected, there was that scowl.

I take my time in responding. "Yes it was... good." I say. His eyebrows arch a little and he looks like he's trying to supress a chuckle.

"Just... 'good'." He says, a smile playing on his lips. Seeing a smile about to break, I start to smile a little too. I saw him stiffen at this and that stupid scowl returned. That ended our little conversation.

I finally decided to look down at dessert. UGHH.......


I ask to be excused and am granted it, thank god. I take my plate and hand it to the waiter. I walk up the stairs and when I get to the top of the stairs I am faced with a problem: I have no clue which hallway is the one to my room. I guess and take the left one. I walk all the way down the hall and open the door to what I think is my room.

The first thing I see is my face. EVERYWHERE! There are paintings and pictures of me all over the room. I take a step back and am about to run when I realize something. The images are not of me. The highly resemble me but I recognize the lady as... my mother.

I look at all the paintings. They are all really good and the artist must be very talented. I find myself staring at a certain picture for a while. I've seen it somewhere before.

MY LIVING ROOM! That's where i've seen it! My mother had that very painting at our apartment in the Bronx. My dad had wanted to sell it once but she said it had 'too much sentimental meaning'. I stroke the beautiful gold frame, encrusted with small, intruiquite wavy lines.

After about 5 minutes of this I decide I need to leave before I'm discovered. I quietly leave the room, closeing the door behind me and make my way down the other hall and enter my room. I roll into the bed and for the first time truly feel how soft and comfy it is. Seconds later, I fall into a sleep I hope not to wake up from.

I open my eyes to sun shining in the room. Shit, I over slept. Mrs. Taxon will have my head if I'm late for school! I get up quickly and it all hits me. I'm keeping my head today because there is no Mrs. Taxon, or school, or orphanage for that matter, atleast, not anymore.

I grab my towel and as i'm walking out of my room to take a shower I realize, I don't know where the bathroom is. I go back into my room. As I look around I notice a door in the corner I hadn't noticed yet. I walk toward it and open it. It's a bathroom, a huge bathroom! It has a bathtub with jets and a seperate shower. The walls are painted gold and the sinks are made of marbel... and I LOVE IT!

I imediatly jump in the shower and let the warm water wash my stress away. I step out when done and dry myself. I find a blowdryer in one of the cabinets and blowdry my hair.

I get dressed and go down stairs hoping to find food, I'm starving!

I open a door and find myself in a kitchen. It's a decent sized kitchen and only has one occupent at the time, a lady standing over the stove cooking something that smells amazing.

She seems to notice me because she turns to me with a smile. "Good morning sweetie." She has a slight hispanic accent and her voice sounds so warm and motherly, I couldn't resist smiling back.

"Good morning.. Umm." I say, not knowing her name.

"My name is Gloria Ricardo Montana Marissa Flores, but you can call me Gloria." She says. We break out laughing. I barely know this women and we are joking and laughing as if we've known eachother for years.

"This is the first time i've actually laughed since I got here. Especially with Mr. Joy around." I say referring to my always scowling uncle I now lived with.

"Oh don't mind him, he's actually a sweet heart once you get to know him, trust me." She says, flipping the pancakes she's making. She sets a plate of them in front of me. I don't hesitate and dig in.


pic is of lovely Miranda played by Zendaya Coleman =====>>

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