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Dizzy and blurry-eyed, Zoey woke up in her bed in Blackrock. Something felt different- she felt very strange. Zoey's eyes widened as she spotted a bright blonde hair on her pillow. Hmm, this isn't Rythian, she thought. Zoey wondered if it was to do with the sun, shinning through the iron barred window. No, she thought. That makes no sense. Clutching her blanket, she tried to remember what happened last night. Did anyone come over? She didn't remember anyone being here. Did Rythian invite anyone over, while she was asleep? No, he would do that. Zoey sighed. She had spent to much time over this blonde hair and decided to get up.

Zoey stumbled over to her dresser, which was adorned with many fashion sunglasses. Zoey thought of herself as a fashion designer, who was always in season. That hair was nothing, Zoey thought.

And then she looked in the mirror.

'No, no this can't be happening, 'she whispered.' It can't be...'

Zoey's reflection stared back at her; with a full head of blonde hair.


Ok that's it for now, if you want to find out how this happened tell me. Or not. I'm still writing that chapter. Hope you enjoyed this, despair is you didn't (lol Dangan Ronpa ref)

Yh well..yh.

Getting back to your roots xD ( A Yogscast fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now