Chapter 3- Run, Mushroom,Run!

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Zoey knew what she had to do. Panicking, she put on her full camouflage outfit (because camouflage was so in season) and her black rubber gumboots and tied up her long, blonde hair. she slowly exited her room, making sure Rythian did not see her. She slowly crept down the marble stairs, trying not to make a sound. She hear a voice from the chest room, where all the alchemy chests were. The voice was male, slightly deeper than Duncan's, with a northern European accent. It was Rythian, singing a song with a cringing voice.

'I say tomato, you say tomato, You say potato, I say potato,'

'well,' thought Zoey,' there is always room for improvement. He needs a bigger room.'

Zoey tiptoed through the foyer, outside into the front garden. 'Soup!' Zoey exclaimed. 'Teep will see me. I better hide.'

She sneaked past a dozy Johnny Iron, and crouched, walking by the keep's walls. 'Almost there,' she thought, as she scuttled all the way over the hill. She slid down on the other steep side, and bent down low.

'Oh no!' thought Zoey. 'I forgot about Sipsco!'

Zoey slowly creeped over to the Sipsco compound. The only person there was Sips, who was tearfully reclining in his poolside deckchair.

'Why Sjin,' he said to himself.'Why did you leave me again!'

Zoey steadily walked past the emotional wreck without being noticed, and pulled out a pair of 'Render Distance' binoculars. She set the mode to 'far', and looked north of the compound. Like Disneyland's princess tower, Duncan's castle stood, half of it obscured by the limited view. Zoey cautiously ran towards the stone structure, trying not to alert the depressed Canadian to her presence.

She climbed up the dirt path to the large door, and paused to ring the doorbell.

Getting back to your roots xD ( A Yogscast fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now