{BONUS} Science and Magic

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Warning: This chapter is a bit more PG-13 than the other ones, and if you don't ship Rythna, you probably don't want to read this chapter. Um...enjoy?


''Rythian,'' Zoey said, with a slight stare of anger in her eyes. 'I just remembered. You never told me why you have a blond streak of hair.' Rythian gulped. He had been trying to put off this story for months. Every time Zoey remembered, Rythian made some excuse, like he had to clean the pool, or fix the condenser. But now, he was out of any real options.

''Um..Why do you want to know?'' He asked, foolishly. Zoey's eyes turned a flaming red. She reached for her belt and pulled out a laser rifle, and aimed it at Rythian.

''Tell me,'' she said,'' Or I'll shoot.''

''Ok, ok!'' Rythian cried. ''I'll spill!'' He sighed. This was one story she'll never forgive him for.


Rythian's POV

It all happened so fast. Even when Duncan knew he had been defeated, he had the nerve to challenge my emotions. It all happened after the nuke incident, I had set up the perfect plan. I sneaked into Duncan's laboratory, and I found his elevator. At first I didn't know what it was, so when I pushed the button, I was surprised to find myself teleported to the top of the castle, dizzy and confused. Who needs a silly contraption like that when you have a flying ring, anyway? after spending hours trying to get back to the main floor, I had constructed and polished my plan. I found a couple of teleporters in Duncan's storage chest. Carefully, I replaced the lift with one of the spare teleporters, and took the matching one away. I fled from castle, grinning with excitement as I could finally execute my plan that would bring Duncan to his knees, and make him surrender. I couldn't wait to see the fear in his eyes.

 I waited patiently in the bedrock bunker, for hours on end, just waiting for the scientist to fall into my trap. It may have taken long, but it was well worth the wait ! He was foolish enough to be trapped in the bedrock chamber, with nukes inside, ready to be triggered by the push of a button.

'Where am I?' He cried. The fear was evident; it was written all over his face, and had become bolder when he turned around.

'Rythian!' He screamed in realization. 'Let me out of here!' His eyes started watering.

'Oh, what is that Duncan? You're crying?' I said in a patronizing manner. 'Are those really tears falling down your face? Well, Duncan, I have come to make a truce.'

'What are you talking about?' He asked.

'If you do anything to hurt me, or Zoey, I will activate the nukes by that wall. You understand?' I told him, my eyes staring him in the face.

'Hehe..' He laughed. He broke the glass panes of the cell, grabbed my collar, and removed my mask and kissed me. What? He kissed me? It all happened so fast. He squeezed through the panes of glass, and covered me with his lab coat. I felt his hand up my leg, but that's where I had enough.

'LET GO OF ME!' I shouted. 'WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU-' And then he pounced on me. I tried to shake him off, but he was too strong. I decided to fight him with Jim, and he got thrown on the ground.

'No one takes off my mask.' I said as I left.

I don't really remember what happened in the next few days, all I remember was that I tried building an underground lab. It was why I was away for a week. But one morning, I was combing my hair, when I saw that my roots had gone blond. In shock, I ran off to see Duncan. He was a lot more reserved, and quiet. He explained to me about his Blonde Scientist Disease thing, and gave me a potion. But you see, by the time I had that potion, one lock of hair had already gone blond.

That's how I got my Blond streak, Zoey.


Zoey's eye twitched. She dropped her laser pistol, and walked away. She did not say a single word.

'WAIT!' Rythian screamed. 'COME BACK! I LOVE YOU!'

Zoey slowly turned to face Rythian. Her face boiled red with anger. 'You lied to me. You told me Duncan just surrendered..you didn't tell me about..the other part..'

'What was I supposed to say? That he kissed me? That my hair magically turned Blond?' Rythian cried.

'Well..'' Zoey stopped. She toyed with one of her red curls. ''Maybe you should have.'' She started walking away, not peering back.

''Or maybe,'' She whispered. ''You never should have.'' A tear ran down her cheek. A tear of guilt, regret, and sadness.

She disappeared into the distance.

Getting back to your roots xD ( A Yogscast fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now