oh Donnie!?!?!?!

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May pov

I woke up in a small cage in a dim room next to Gigi. We both had on extremely high tech handcuffs. I pulled and pulled but the cuffs wouldn't budge. Gigi started to scream for help. I kicked her in the shin and told her to shut up. Then Leo and Raph came in the room. Moments later the rat and Donnie came in. Donnie blushed as he looked away. I blushed too. So your shredders new henchmen the rat stated. Gigi just growled as she tugged at the cage. Let us out she yelled. Let me think.......no Raph chuckled. You have to I stated. And why do we have to April said coming in. Cause tiger claw, xever, Bradford, and my sister are probably on there way here Gigi stated. Good thing I sent this location to Renee I stated with a smirk. Then turtles gasped and ran to a computer. Then the wall exploded.

Raph pov

The wall exploded and stood their was the most amazing girl I've ever seen. She had red hair,emerald green eyes, red rose cheeks, and a smile that blew my mind. She had a grey/silver top Ninja gi and black leggings with spikes on each ankle. She was deadly yet beautiful. I would ask her out but their were two situations in my way. 1 She had a boy with her who had black/purple/pink hair and silver Ninja gi. He look like Justin bieber's mom. And 2 April was their. I turned around to see May and donnie's KISSING!?!?!?!?!?

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Middle school has finally hit me HARD! Bye peeps ;-)

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