Chapter 3 - That's Amore

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Author's Note: I thought the last chapter was long but this one is even longer. Sorry guys. I like going into detail.

***On another note everybody take a minute to admire this chapter's cover photo. I love Zo's smile so much!

As the fights go on. I can see in my brother's eyes that he's having the time of his life. I nearly had to stop him from passing out of excitement when his favorite wrestler Dean Ambrose came out.

Although I don't know a single thing about wrestling I'm actually enjoying myself as well.

I look at my phone real quick to see if anyone texted me. Hoping in my mind that Eric would've texted. I was just about  to write a quick text to him when some sort of electronic Italian music started to play. In my mind i thought it was funny because it sounded like a remixed version of a Sopranos song. Dom was super excited.

"Oh my god (y/n)! I love this tag team! One of the guys is from NJ you know! Not to far from us" he exclaimed.

"Oh yeah? Maybe we can run into him one day." I said jokingly

My Name Is Enzo Amore and I am a Certified G and a Bonafide Stud and you can't teach that!

And this is.....

Wait that voice sounds familiar.... I look and its none other then Eric! He was wearing a lot of cheetah print from head to toe. Even some in his hair.

Bada boom realest guys in the room. How you doin'?

He comes out to our side and starts high fiving fans. He high fives Dom and he absolutely loses his mind.

"Hey baby girl." He says to me while smiling and giving me a little wink.

I couldn't help but smile when he called me cute names like that. It made me feel special.

He enters the ring with his very tall partner. I was in near shock still. Never did it cross my mind that I was speaking to a wrestler. I smiled at just the thought of him being so sweet to me hours prior. I always believed anyone who was famous in anyway were jerks. Well I guess I got proven wrong tonight.

I'm watching Eric, or should I call him Enzo now, talk.

If I had a dime for every time me and Big Cass got beat up as kids....we'd have ZERO DIMES!

I couldn't help but laugh. He was funny, kind, and handsome. While i was watching him wrestle I felt something funny in my stomach. Almost like flutters. I then realized looking at him or even thinking about him gave me butterflies. Its been happening all night long even before I found out he wasn't a backstage worker but a wrestler instead.

I continue watching the fight until Big Cass pins his opponent.  The bell rings.

And the winner by pinfall....Enzo Amore and Big Cass!

The whole crowd erupts in a How You Doin'? Chant.

I couldn't help but smirk when Enzo was celebrationing in the ring with a dance. Oh so he's  kind, funny , handsome and has good dance moves. Hmmm.

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