Title: Turtleshaming

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            Turtlejohn: holy shit how did you get in here

Hambone: we just asked the painting nicely

  Turtlejohn: okay admittedly not that difficult but why are you here?

Zerotohero: we heard about the cookies

Baguetteman: cough it up john we know you sleep next to a tin of chocolate chip cookies

Turtlejohn: who told you that

Hambone: eliza

                   Turtlejohn: oh my god just get out I'm not decent

Zerotohero: not until the cookies

          Turtlejohn: i don't have any let me slEEP

baguetteman: what is that box next to your pillow

Turtlejohn: nO!

Hambone: is. Is this a box of turtle drawings.

Zerotohero: how many are there

                    Turtlejohn: shut up we all have our obsessions

Baguetteman: 67 turtles this is more than an obsession

             Turtlejohn: it is three in the morning i do not need this

Zerotohero: you draw pretty well actually

Baguetteman: is that a stuffed turtle on the floor


Hello guys! This is chapter one of Texting While Flying, and I guess I have to do some introductions.

Hamilton: Gryffindor
Lafayette: Ravenclaw
Herc my man: Slytherin
Laurens: Hufflepuff

Al's text name is Hambone, John's is Turtle John, Lafayette's is Baguetteman, and Herc's is Zerotohero (wink wink nudge nudge)

I really like Disney's Hercules :/

Texting While Flying: A Hamilton AU textficWhere stories live. Discover now