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I ended up getting detention for writing all over the desk. I have had detention before, so I didn't sweat it.

"Class don't forget those packets are due at the end of class tomorrow. Have a good day,"Mrs. Calhoun, my history teacher, said as the class for ready for the bell to ring.

The bell rings and everyone rushes to the door. I take my time because I do not want to go to detention.

As I am in the halls, I bump into Shawn and Noelle talking.

"Hey Shawn. Can you wait until 4:00? I got detention and I need to talk to you about where we stand,"I say.

"Yea, I will be waiting in my car when you need me,"He said as he made his way towards the door with Noelle.

Shawn's POV

"Noelle what are you trying to say,"I ask.

"I'm trying to say you should lead Lennox on and then break her pretty little heart,"Noelle says.

"I don't think I could do that. I'm not interested in falling in love with her but I don't want to hurt a girl like that,"I say. It's my conscious getting the best of me.

"Wanna know what's in it for you,"Noelle asks as she starts touching my hair.

"Noelle, she's your best friend,"I say trying to knock sense into her.

"Was,"She says.

I just look off in the distance to get her to think I wasn't interested.

"Fine I'll give you money, 12 grand,"She says grabbing my attention. I need the money like crazy. My mom is sick and our family doesn't have the money to pay all her medical bills.

"Okay, deal,"I say.

"Now all you need to do is let her go," Noelle says.

Noelle leans in for a kiss and I don't stop her.

I glance out the window while we were kissing, and see the guy Lennox was with earlier staring at us through the window.

Noelle pulls away suddenly.

"It's almost 4. I should go before Lennox comes out,"She says and kisses me goodbye.

My hearts telling me to not listen to her, but my head listened to her.

Lennox's POV

Detention was as horrendous as usual. The only good part was look forward to Shawn afterwards.

The 4 o'clock bell rings and the teacher releases everyone. I go to Shawn's car.
I drove myself, but I need to talk to him.

"Hey Shawn,"I say leaning in for a kiss. He seems hesitant, but kisses back.

"Hi,"He says.

"Sorry I made you wait. I just need to talk to you,"I say.

"Ok,"He says.

"So I was thinking maybe we could do something Friday night. Like go to a movie or have dinner or something,"I suggest.

"How about you let me plan it?"He says with a smirk.

"If you insist,"I say.

"I have to go. My mom is probably waiting for me and I want to find out what the result of her boss's announcement,"I say.

"Bye,"He says.

I walk towards my Jeep.

Once I start driving, I get lost in my thoughts. I usually tend to do this. I just let my thoughts take over me, and I enjoy the time to think. I don't usually get this time to think at home, because I usually have either housework or homework to do.

I soon arrive home. I rush to the door so I can find out if my mom got promoted.

I walk in and don't find my mom.

"Mom?"I yell out.

I don't get an answer, so I go to her room. She is in there, but she's crying.

"Mom? Are you okay?"I ask.

"The announcement was that the newspaper was letting people go. I just so happened to be one who got let go. They found someone younger who could also manage the online photos,"She says.

"That's horrible. I'm so sorry mom. I know how badly you wanted the promotion, but I think it's a sign you weren't meant to work there. I know you worked there for 4 years, but half of the days you came home complaining about how you hate your job. There's something out there for you. I just know it,"I say as I hug her. I am her only daughter, so we have a very tight bond.

"Thank you Lennox,"She says.

"Who says we order Chinese takeout and watch movies until we fall asleep?"I suggest.

My mom just smiles and nods.

The rest of the night is a blur of orange chicken and a collection of Molly Ringwald movies. I just wanted to take her mind off of her job. She was there for me when Shawn left and I want to be here for her right now. It's what daughters are for.

I am sorry I haven't updated. A lot went on with my family and we went through a tough time and I didn't have time to update because I was with my family so often. But I am back now and it is my first update of the summer.  +I started a new fanfic. It is called Misdemeanor and it's a calum hood fanfic, so if you're into that stuff go read it.

Song of the chapter: Gold: Kiiara


Let It Go (Shawn Mendes)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora