*1 week later

I can't believe today is the day!! It's my DATE NIGHT!!!!!!!WOOOOOOOO!!!!! I'm so excited!! What should I wear?? I couldn't decide so I called Alli. (Alli-A, Me-L)
    A-Hey, what's up
    L-I don't know what to wear for my date!
    A-Something comfy!
A-Be right over
As I waited I was listening to Lovesick- By Jacob and it was amazing! I couldn't believe it! I was going on a date with him! The first time I saw him I already liked him! It's like love at first sight! I wonder if he actually likes me.

(Jacob's POV)
When I first saw her I knew that I liked her even if I didn't played truth or dare. She is like a sun to my heart! A star to my darkness! I think she might be my everything! I hope she actually likes me.

As soon as Alli got here I started screaming at her. She hated me screaming so she got to work really fast. "What about this one?" She asked holding up a blue, long, and flowing dress. "Nah, too long." "Fine what about this one?" She was holding up a purple sparkly dress. "Too sparkly" " I just need something perfect!" I said. "What about this one?" She asked holding up a plain, strapless, black dress. "Perfect" I said then slipped it on. It was 7:30 and my date was at 8:00 so I had to hurry with my makeup. After I was done with the makeup it was already 7:59 so just in time. Just then the doorbell rang and I ran down stairs but my mom beat me to it. "Hi u must be Jacob" "I'm Mrs. Paronas. Lucy's mother." My mom said. " Nice to meet you Mrs.Paronas!" Jacob said.
     "U must not keep her waiting" said my dad. I can't believe he said that. So I punched him on the arm and said not cool dad. My dad knew how strong I was and didn't want to tell anyone because I told him not to.
       "So u ready?" Asked Jacob. "Ya" I said. "So where are we going?" I asked. "You'll see!" He said. "Oh ya and u look so gorgeous!" I blushed and followed him into his car. He's 17 and can drive. OMG!!!
     [In the car]
       We were listening to music and singing along to it. "U have an amazing voice!" Said Jacob. I couldn't help but smile! That's the first time somebody has said anything like that to me ever since I got here! "Thx" I said.
          I couldn't believe him! He was taking me to a very fancy restaurant! "I can't let u do this" I said to him as we walked in. "But too bad u are already in here and I can't let u leave until u eat here!" He joked! He was so cute.
       After dinner I thanked him and he walked me to my door." I had an amazing time!" I said. "Me too, can we do this again sometime?" He asked. "If only u pay." I joked. "So I have to tell u something." I said. "I really really really really really really like you. And I want u do u want me do u want me to." I sang Carly Rae Jepsen's song. He  giggled a little. "I do too!" He said. Just then our lips connected and it was the best thing that ever happened  to me! I think I felt a spark.
I never wanted today to end!

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