Chapter 2- made it to wwe

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Sean was excited he was in wwe. He had no clue who he was going to fight. He thought he was in the good but he just walked into the worst beating of his life. He ran in the middle of the rocks Interview. The rock spun around and shot him a glair. "What makes you think you can walk into the rocks Interview kid?" Rock shouted "s-sorry rock didn't see you-" Sean was cut off "it doesn't matter what you think." Rock said. "Kid you can turn around and walk away now" said rock. "You know what rock I want a match with you" said sean
  the rock was amazed on what the rookie said. "Kid you have a lot of nerve" rock said. Sean walked Away and rock finished his interview. Vince walked up to Sean "listen kid I just heard what you just did do you want a match against rock for #1 contendership for the title ladder match?" "Hell yea" Sean said excitedly "great kid your match is now."
  The fans were pumped and now Sean will have 2 matches and the fans have no clue. The rocks theme music hit and the crowed went crazy. They chanted "Rocky Rocky." The rock shot them the people's eyebrow. The rock was in ring gear so the fans knew they were getting a match for the ages. When Sean's music hit the fans chanted louder then for rock.
  The match has started and Sean took down rock with a leg sweep. Rock came back with a take down. Rock got distracted by Seth Rollins running in. Rock was yelling at Seth and the rookie rolled up rock 1-2-3. The bell rang and Sean was shocked he beat the rock he was so exited it was the best night of his life.

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