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Niall knew he was a screw up. He knew he was a failure to the world. He just didn't expect it to come from the people he loved. His parents? What parents? They treated him like absolute shit. And the guy he loved the most, was the cause for all of this.

He picked himself off the bed, aching from the night before. No, his "father", if Niall could even call him that, was not the cause of his ache. It was his love, his torturer, the one and only, Zayn Malik. He had followed Niall to his house, and had beat him- but Niall never liked the word "beat". He preferred "torture", or ,"hit with passion", because somehow, he knew deep down that Zayn loved him.

He always read fanfiction online that was somewhat relevant to his situation, but the story always ended up in a happy ending. And naturally, Niall thought that he would end up happy as well. Maybe someday he'd get his happy ending, but he'd just have to wait a bit longer.

Niall pulled on a black loose t-shirt that hid his bruises quite well, and a pair of acid-wash type black skinnies. His mood slightly lifted when he saw his reflection in the mirror.

"They didn't get my face this time" , he thought. Oh how happy he was to not have any bruises on his face for once. He jumped out of his window, and began his way to school. No matter how hungry he was, he didn't bother going into the kitchen to have breakfast or say anything to his "family". They'd basically disowned him years ago, yet he would still have to live under their roof until he was of legal age.

On his way to school, he began to wonder about all the fun and joy he'd be able to experience once out and away from the demo- err, parents. He'd be able to love, live, and laugh at anything, anyone, and anywhere he wanted.

"Oi fag", a melodic voice sounded from behind Niall, "aren't you forgetting something?"

Attempting to calm down the fury bubbling inside his lower abdomen, he said calmly and slowly, "no Zayn", over-annunciating Zayn's name, "I did not forget anything."

Zayn snickered, "you did, in fact", taking a step forward to Niall, he growled, "you forgot our meeting." He swiftly punched Niall in the stomach, making him hunch down in pain. "What?", he yelled, "you can't take a little punch?"

Zayn took a step closer to Niall, pulling on the collar of his shirt. "Listen here, because I'm only going to tell you this once", Zayn spat, "you're a nobody. A worthless, butt-fucking, fag. Ok? And no one will ever love you. Even if you turn straight, which is how you should be, no girl will ever like you. Why would they?"

Niall's eyes began to water, but Zayn just took this as a weakness. "Your crooked teeth, damn. I could've sworn I knocked them straight, but I guess I didn't. Your stringy bleached blonde hair, no one likes a fake", he said, grabbing a tuft of Niall's hair in his hand, "and no one likes a faggot."

He finished his mini speech with a shove of Niall onto the ground, and walked away, faster than usual.

Niall didn't have the nerve to get up afterwards. He figured if he'd just stay on the sidewalk, somehow, it would swallow him up and he'd die. No one would care anyways, no one would bother looking for him.

Groaning, Niall stood up, before feeling a strange pain in his stomach. Before he knew it, he was on his knees puking out blood.

"Oh my", a timid voice called out, "are you alright?"

Niall groaned and opened his eyes, only to reveal a small brunette boy. He looked about, 17 or 18, but the light-but-visible stubble said 20. "Yeah, I'm fine", Niall managed to croak out, wincing at how hoarse his voice was.

"No you aren't", the stubborn voice said, "I'm Tomlinson, Louis Tomlinson."

With a small smile on his face, Niall replied, "Niall. My name is Niall."

He knew he had made a friend that day. Possibly the only friend he would ever make. But that was okay with Niall, because all he really needed was someone to rely on.

The rest of the day went by, Louis and Niall both skipping school that day, just to get to know each other and figure out what they had gotten themselves into.

"Favorite movie?" Niall asked, quite curious to how a small, meek boy could have such a big, bubbly personality. "Grease" Louis replied, with excitement erupting in his voice. "Sexuality", Louis raised an eyebrow, as if to say 'I'm waiting'.

Niall sighed, knowing that he'd lose this friend right after this question. "Gay...", Niall mumbled. "What?" Louis leaned in, not hearing what Niall had said. "Gay", Niall said, in a bit of a clearer voice, but still, Louis didn't seem to hear him. "What?" Louis asked, trying to get Niall to shout it out.

"I'M GAY!", Niall shouted, getting a few disgusted looks as they were sitting on a park bench. Louis smirked, knowing that this was the right guy to be his best friend.

"You must be disgusted with me", Niall muttered shyly, not wanting to lose Louis just yet. "Why would I?" Louis questioned, "I don't see why I'd have a problem with gay people. I mean, how would I get a boyfriend if I had a problem with them?"

Niall sat there, trying to process the information Louis had just given him. He was gay? How- well, Louis did have a slight feminine figure, and he acted like a stereotype. Maybe Niall was just over thinking without seeing the truth. Louis. Was. Gay. And he wouldn't judge Niall because they were alike... In some way.


Zayn walked away from the sobbing Niall, crying himself all the way to school. He had to run all the way there, not wanting to be late. Liam and Harry would beat his ass if he was late.

With bloodshot eyes from all the crying, he ran into the school building, hearing the whispers all around him.

"Is that Zayn?"
"Yeah that's Malik. In the flesh and all."
"Was he crying? He has bloodshot eyes."
"Maybe he's high."
"Maybe he's just tired."
"Maybe-" Zayn cut the blonde girl off with a deadly glare. She quickly shut up, knowing better then to keep talking about him.

He slept with her, Mandy was her name. She was a screamer, but she was also a straight up snob. She was a nosy bitch, always in people's business, always on the latest gossip. She always knew everything about the latest drama.

"And what was that?" Zayn questioned. It wasn't any of her business anyways, so why was he listening?

"N-n-nothing", Mandy stuttered out.

Zayn smirked, enjoying that he had that type of power on people.

Walking down the hallway, he looks longingly at Niall's locker. There were no signs that it had been opened today. He began to get worried. What if he was raped? What if he was sick? What if he.... Died?

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