Chase Me.

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"Li", Louis moaned out in ecstasy as Liam began to suck slowly on his neck. It was the last chance Liam had to show him that he truly cared for Louis, and that he wanted to be with him. "Yes babe?", Liam whispered through Louis' skin, nibbling and sucking until there was a visible purpleish-red mark displayed on his neck.

Louis groaned, tilting his head backwards so Liam could have an easier access. "Please", he breathed out, not wanting to take any longer. Liam smirked before moving down slowly.

"Louis, Louis, LOUIS!", Louis carefully opened his eyes, shutting them quickly as soon as the bright light hit his eyes. "Time for school love, wake up. Oh, and your moans are hot", it was Liam. He smirked one last time before leaving Louis baffled with two questions; 1. How did Liam know where he lived, and 2. Why was he in Louis' apartment?

Louis scrambled off the bed and checked the time. Seeing that he overslept again, and only had 20 minutes to get dressed and leave, he rushed around trying to get himself together. He had settled on a light blue shirt and a pair of black skinnies to match. Throwing on his converse, he rushed down the stairs of his flat, being met by a pair of dark brown eyes.

It was Liam. Again. "I see you've gotten out of bed love, missed me already?", Liam said with a wink. Louis rubbed his temples, "really Liam? This early for flirting?" He retorted, and when he saw that Liam had retreated to the kitchen, Louis smiled to himself as he set out the door to start his day.

"Oi, where you going?", Liam called out from the kitchen. Louis laughed and called back, "I'm going to school, you idiot".

Liam came out of the flat, shirtless, and only wearing a loose pair of sweats, shaking his head. "You're the idiot here Lou, there's no school today, it's winter break!" Louis felt like he was slapped with realization. Winter break was only lasting a mere 3 days until school resumed, so what was he doing out here in the cold weather of London?

Slumping his shoulders in defeat, he jogged back into the warm flat, wanting to get away from the harsh winds as soon as possible. Louis flopped down onto the couch, and sighed, "why are you here Liam?"

"I came to make you breakfast!", Liam shouted from the kitchen. Knowing that at some point, his stomach would get the best of him, Louis slowly walked to the kitchen. On the island bar, he saw a plate of eggs, bacon, and some toast sat on the spot where he usually had his quick cereal breakfast in the mornings. He sighed heavily, "we're not dating Liam, so why are you doing this?"

Liam turned around swiftly. Louis looked him up and down, and when noticing he had nothing but a pair of boxers on, he gulped. "We aren't dating, yeah, but that doesn't mean I don't want to", Liam was now face to face with Louis, his hot breath hitting the older yet shorter man, making Louis blush.

Louis peeked up slowly, seeing nothing but sincerity and lust in Liam's eyes. Slowly leaning in, he whispered, "chase me", grabbed the plate, and headed off to his car without a second look at the baffled boy, still in the kitchen.


Niall shook under the covers of his duvet, feeling cold and numb. He was dreading going back to school, and he had worried of what would happen when he went back. 'Would Zayn be with him again?', maybe not. He couldn't be so sure though, he couldn't tell the future.

He heard a slow knock at the door, and he winced. Has winter break already ended? "Come in", his voice hoarse from not talking for ages, "the door's unlocked". He wondered who it was, and before the unknown man came in, he whimpered, "who is it?"

The door clicked open, revealing the mystery man. It was Harry, Zayn's right hand man.

"Listen faggot, I mean, Niall, Zayn is just using your little sorry ass for a good fuck. You hear me? He doesn't love you, why would he? You're a worthless, good for nothing, homosexual who deserves to die."

Niall ducked under the covers, wishing it would go away. 'He's wrong, I know he is. Zayn loves me, right?' "No," Niall croaked out, "he- he loves me!", his voice cracked when saying 'he'. Harry chuckled.

"Oh yeah? Where's lover boy now? Let me tell you, he's at my house, fucking a girl. He's not into dick, so wake up bitch, he's not into you." And Niall swore, in that moment, you could hear his heart break to the ground. Harry was right, he was good for nothing.

Harry saw Niall's broken hearted face, thinking for a moment that he went to far, then retorted, "You actually thought he could love you? Ha!", Harry laughed, and took out his phone. "Enough!", a mysterious voice called from the background. Harry's face paled, "Z-zayn? What are you doing here?".

Niall quickly regained posture, not wanting to look weak in front of his lover. "I get a call from my boyfriend, and all of a sudden I hear my best friend saying some words. Care to explain?", Zayn emphasized on the word boyfriend, leaving Niall quite flustered. They hadn't discussed it, but it was nice to know that Zayn thought of him like that.

Harry stood up straight, coughing, then smirking, as if he had just come up with a genius idea. "Well, my dear Zaynie", He strolled over to where Zayn was stood, whispering in Zayn's ear. It was out of Niall's reach to hear, but he could easily make out "bet", and, "too bad". Niall was confused, what bet?

Zayn tensed in fear, "you wouldn't", he looked Harry in the eye, as if having a secret conversation. "Oh but I would. Niall dear, enlighten me on why Zaynie here said he liked you?". Niall stood frozen in his spot, was the bet about him?

"Well uh, he said he likes my eyes? I think?", Niall was at a loss for words, not quite understanding Harry's business here. "Oh my innocent little Nialler, Zayn, doesn't like you!", Harry let out a laugh, "it was a joke! A bet! Something to humiliate you!"

Niall was taken aback. Was this true? "Zayn", he whispered, "is this true?".

"No Niall it's not like-", Niall cut Zayn off. "I know what you're going to say. It started out as a bet, but you fell in love with me, I know how it ends babe. But this won't end that way.". Niall took a deep breathe, trying to control his overwhelming need to crawl in a hole and cry, he shouted, "both of you! Out! NOW." Zayn hung his head low, trudging out the door like a child who had just been scolded, while on the other hand, Harry looked happy with himself.

Moments after Zayn left, Harry winked at Niall, pressing his lips to his cheek, whispering mine into his ear. Niall sat in shock and frustration;

What just happened?


FINALLY A CHAPTER IS DONE. SOMEONE GIVE ME A MEDAL. Jeez guys, it's been long. And I'm sorry for not updating earlier, I am the worst at getting things done easily- ask anyone.

Go check out my new story please~ it's called "Diamond and Coal" and it's niam. I got the idea while listening to Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, actually. So check it out!

Anyways, vote/comment/follow! I promise if I get at least 2 votes and 2 comments I'll update faster!

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