Authors note

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I don't know how to end this story actually.. Honestly I want this story to be tragic but there is this person who wants me to make this story a happy one.. Hahaha! I am very much challenged about this so I tried my best. We'll let me tell you a very nice story I've read this story during the entrance exam and it's a good one I promise..

There is two seed let's name it seed one and seed two one day they are talking to each other seed one said: I want to grow up as fast as I can I want to touch the sky look at the sun I want to be tall I want to spread my branches and have many leaves and also I want to have beautiful flowers and then the second seed said I don't want to grow I have fears and I'm not yet ready to take risk.. Maybe if I grow humans will cut me down.. Maybe if I will have many leaves wind might blow them and if I will have flowers kids might pick them.. So I don't want to grow... Then time comes seed one grows tall and accomplished his goal.. He can now see the sky he have flowers and everything and now he feels happy.. While the seed no two stays small because of his fears.. Then one day the hen passed by and eat it..

And that's how the story ended..

My point here is you have to risk so that you can grow.. And that is the lesson behind this story..

Like how Khiron and Keith take risk for his family to be happy and he is willing to give his own life. It is also how Mira and John fight for what they believe they also take risk and very much willing to sacrifice their one and only life..
And it's how Cleo and Yin take risk in loving a gangster.. They took risk and they are willing to spent life with these gangster even if they know that their life might be endanger also.

Love is such a small word for us but it has deeper meaning.. For those people who experienced it. Just don't be afraid to take risk.. Love the person that your thinking of now.. Let them feel love.. Cause you'll never know when are they leaving..

Thanks for reading this things.. I hope I shared something to you.. These are all made by my imaginations characters are not real but my message is real hahahah! You rock! Stay awesome and cool.. I love you all :)
********* GwynXx***********
He is not weak toward you but powerful in you
                        "2nd Corinthians verse 3"

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