"Be careful walking home!"

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Nilesy just sat, watching me. I could see the horror and pain in his eyes. I ran upstairs and fell onto my bed, crying. I heard the door open but I didn't look up. Someone sat on the edge of my bed.

"I don't mind. You don't seem like him. Your nice and kind and funny" Nilesy said.

I looked over to him and smiled. He smiled back at me. I wiped my eyes and sat next to him.

"I wish I wasn't related to him. I ran away, that's why I'm here" I said. Nilesy looked sorry for me. "You don't have to feel sorry for me. I can't change it but I can forget about him."

Nilesy stayed around for the rest of the day. We went for a walk, it was beautiful. We had so much fun! I loved it when we sat in a tree together, looking over the world. Nilesy walked me home when the sun started to get lower.

"I'm sorry about yesterday" Nilesy said as we reached Lalna's castle. I smiled at him.

"It's fine, you've made today lovely" I laughed "Thank you"

"I liked today aswell" Nilesy said, turning pink. I hugged him.

"Be careful walking home!" I said opening the front door "Bye Nilesy"

"Bye Kat" Nilesy blushed. He walked off, waving goodbye. I waved back and closed the door, smiling to myself.

"What are you smiling about?" Lalna asked, walking in, covered in oil.

"None of your buissness" I laughed, throwing him a rag.


Lomadia came to Duncans castle the next day.

"Kat? Kat, can you come here please?" Lalna called from the front door.

I walked over and saw Lomadia, I smiled at her. Her face looked worried and concerned.

"Kat, did you see Nilesy yesterday?" Lalna asked.

"Yeah, he came here. Remember? Well afterwards we hung about for the rest of the day then he brought me back around 6 and he walked home by himself. I told him to be careful. Why? What's happened?"

"We don't know where Nilesy is. He's gone. He's not lost though. He knows how to get back to Owl island. He could get back blindfolded. I looked all over Owl island twice. He wasn't there. I tried to get him on his ear-piece but he wouldn't awnser." Lomadia said, fiddling with her hands.

I stopped and looked at her.

"He was wearing it when he left here yesterday" I say, worried.

Where was Nilesy? What is he doing?

We all went on a search. We decided to split up, I went to the forrest we went to yesterday. I heard a noise.

"Nilesy?" I called "Nilesy? Is that you?"

I stopped dead in my tracks. My father stood in front of me. He smiled at me.

"I've got Nilesy, If you want him safe, you had better come home" My father's voice called. I glared at him.

"Let Nilesy go, I'll come with you" I shouted. I didn't care what he did to me.

"Fine then" My father said, Nilesy appered infront of me, he fell straight to the floor. I ran up to him.

"Find Lalna, he's at Owl Island. Tell him I went with my father to save you" I said to him. I hugged him, but my father pulled me away. I smiled at Nilesy and teleported away.

----------Nilesy's POV----------

" Find Lalna, he's at Owl Island. Tell him I went with my father to save you" Kat said. She hugged me, but her father pulled her away. She smiled at me then teleported away.

Israphel's daughter, Katlin- A Yogscast Fan-Fiction-Book 1Where stories live. Discover now