"We all thought you were dead..."

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I cuddled into Nilesy, resting my head on his sholder. I wish he hadn't have come, he could have been safe and I wouldn't have had to worry about him, but, I'm glad he's here, I don't know what I would do if he wasn't...

"Nilesy" I whispered, catching his attention "I love you"

"I love you too" Nilesy replied, squeezing me.

The door slamed open as my father walked in, the only thing illumnating the room was his shining red eyes.

"You're coming with me" My father said, grabbing my arm

"No" I whispered

"What did you say to me?" My father ordered

"I said No" I nearly shouted

My father pulled back his hand to strike me, but Nilesy stepped in front of him.

"Don't you even dare lay a finger on Kat" Nilesy said, straight into my fathers eyes.

"Nilesy, Don't" I begged, but he stayed where he was.

"You silly little boy" My father slithered.

He grabbed Nilesy by the collar and pushed him to the floor. I ran up to my father and hit him across the face. My father whipped his head around to me and pushed me into a wall, causing me to black out.

--------Nilesy's POV-------

He grabbed Kat around the waist, flung her over his sholder and walked out, locking the door behind him. I slammed on the door, screaming for Kat,but she didn't awnser. I slid down the door, crying

--------Kat's POV---------

I woke up, the floor around me stained in blood, at first, I didn't realise it was my own. When I did though, I screamed, scared. I shouted for Nilesy's name till my throat became raw.

I lay on the floor, staring into space for a long time...I never became tired, just sad. I must have lay there for a day or two.

I heard a rucuss outside, some shouting.

"Help" I tried to shout but it just ended up being a whisper.

I got up and hammered on the door. I heard someone outside.

"Kat?" I heard the voice say "Kat are you in there"

"Help" I whispered

The door was hit a few times before being thrown open and I fell weakly into familiar arms.

"Nilesy" I whispered as I was hugged "Nilesy"

"It's OK, Kat" Lalna said into my hair "We've got him"

Just then I saw Nilesy in the corner of my eye. I looked up at Lalna, who nodded. I turned to Nilesy and hugged him.

"Nilesy" I whisped

"It's ok, I'm here" Nilesy said back

I turned to look at a man who had just walked in. He had this weird feeling around him. He wore a maroon jacket with gold edges, Light brown trousers, brown boots, a waistcoat and a white shirt on which he wore the collar up.

"He's gone, He won't be coming back" He said, walking up to Duncan

"Ridge, What did you do" Lalna asked

"Don't ask to many questions" Ridge replied, walking off

I hid my face into Nilesy's chest, sobbing slightly. Nilesy picked me up, bridal style, and carried me home.

By the time I was placed on my bed, I was nearly asleep. Nilesy placed me on my bed and was about to leave, I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards me. He understood and lay next to me, hugging me.

I woke up, turning towards Nilesy, who was awake. I smiled at him.

"Thank you" I said, taking Nilesy's hand

"It's OK" Nilesy said, squeezing my hand.

I heard a voice from downstairs, causing me to sit up

"Kat! You have some visitors!" Lalna shouted.

I got up from my bed and brushed my hair. Nilesy and I got to the top of the stairs, where I pulled him away a bit and kissed him.

"What was that for?" Nilesy whispered

"Because we havn't had time alone in ages"

I walked downstairs with Nilesy and saw everyone that was there yesterday.

"Thank Notch your both OK" Honeydew laughed "You scared us all to death"

"We all thought you were dead" Benji said, who got a shove from Strippin.

"Well, Happy Belated Birthday" Ridge said, from across the room

"Thanks" I smiled.

We had the party that we were ment to have yesterday. At the beggining we all were a bit cautious but Ridge re-assured us my father wouldn't be coming back...But he would say what he did to make sure he wasn't coming back...

"So" Honeydew asked, sitting opposite Nilesy and I "Are you two..?"

"I guess so" I smiled, squeezing Nilesy's hand

"That's adorable" Lomadia said, sitting with Xephos next to Honeydew.

"It's just Lalna though...He still doesn't fully trust Nilesy" I said, glancing over at Lalna

"Let me speak to him" Xephos said, getting up

I watched as Xephos and Lalna talked. Lalna kept glancing at me, making it even more awkward.

"Alright, alright" I heard Lalna say "I give up"

I ran up to him and hugged him. I kept thanking him over and over again.

"Alright, calm down" Lalna laughed

Israphel's daughter, Katlin- A Yogscast Fan-Fiction-Book 1Where stories live. Discover now