The Star Sign as Greek Gods and Goddesses.

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Aries: Ares (God of War)

Taurus: Hephaestus (God of Fire & Forges)

Gemini: Hera (Goddess of Marriage)

Cancer: Athena (Goddess of Wisdom)

Leo: Hermes (God of Travelling & Thieves)

Virgo: Artemis (Goddess of The Hunt & Wild Animals) and/or Demeter (Goddess of Agriculture)

Libra: Aphrodite (Goddess of love & beauty)

Scorpio: Hecate (Goddess of Magic, Sorcery & Necromancy)

Sagittarius: Pan (God of the Wild)

Capricorn: Apollo (God of Poetry, Music, Healing)

Aquarius: Khione (Goddess of Snow)

Pisces: Poseidon (God of the Sea)

[The info in brackets do not say all the things they're Gods and Goddesses of]

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