How the sign's react to getting pranked

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Aries: Is probably the one doing the prank, but if not... ARIES IS GONNA GET MAD!!

Taurus: Tells them to go away.

Gemini: Smacks their face.

Cancer: Gives them the middle finger.

Leo: "I know you're pranking me because you secretly like me" B) Me: Leo... if only you knew...

Virgo: One word. Attacks. Or... just kicks them. It depends.

Libra: Gives them a horrible makeover while they're sleeping.

Scorpio: "Hahaha very funny..."
Murders them in their sleep.

Sagittarius: Wipes spaghetti on their face

Capricorn: Pranks their sorry ass back.

Aquarius: Gives them the 'look'.

Pisces: Rips their limbs off if they can get hold of them.

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