What your Sign's element means

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Fire: (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)  Fire signs are very violent when they want to be and VERY short-tempered. They're the kind of people that when a fight breaks out at school they would chant "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" They don't give away weaknesses easily. Fire signs can be very hot-headed and HATE losing, which can make them a bit of a sore loser. Sometimes fire signs can get self-centred and greedy. They usually swear a lot. Fire signs can also be REALLY annoying but if you can put up with them, they are great friends! They like people to bow down to them.

Air: (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) Air signs are easy-going and light-hearted. Sometimes they can have their head in the clouds. They enjoy company and are usually very sociable. Air signs don't like to be rushed and like to take things slow. Air signs commonly set goals for themselves and like to be care-free. They like to have people to look up to.

Earth: (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo) These are the daredevils and environmentalists. Earth signs pick out every detail and they are very good thinkers. Earth signs are very wise and intelligent. They hate to be controlled and told what to do, they make there own decisions and do what they want. Earth signs are not realists and are usually in their own world. They are very difficult people. Most earth signs are antisocial, and find company of people who aren't close friends very awkward. They are rebels and appreciate every little thing. They look up to no one.

Water: (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer) 2/3 likely to be a murderer. Water signs can vary from being picky and liking things absolutely perfect, to not giving a shit at all. Water signs can also get mad but not much as as Aries the Fire sign. Water signs like joking and don't care what other people think of them. They are ambiverts. Water signs are good at keeping secrets and most aren't scared of heights. They like people to look up to them.

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