The Royal We (poem)

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We're freaks.
We're weak.
We're scarred.
We're marred.

We aren't seeking attention.
We aren't without intention.

To those around?
We're on the cold, hard ground.
We believe no one can love us.
We believe we're useless.
We hate ourselves.
Our blades are on the shelves.
We lock ourselves away,
To not hurt/bother you in any way.

But, no one sees the demons.
It is for 'attention',
'We're just weak'.
You simply don't want us to mention:
You're the reason
We die; it's your treason.

We battle alone,
Crying in the dark.
Our inner light no longer to be shone
Silver blade leaving its bloody marks.

No one wants us.
We know that.
Some of us leave for the other side.
While others continue to go up to bat.

So to the Beautiful souls that support us
We salute you, because you see what we can't.
You defy the laws of society and are there.
No matter what, we're beautiful, you chant.

I might come back to add to thus one.


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