Chapter 14

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'This is it I guess...' You thought to yourself, focusing on your team's base.

And then you heard a loud voice and a sinister laugh.


The monsters came out, and the mercenaries that were with you gasped. They snapped thier mind and they were getting ready for the battle. And you saw your team's Spy, which he was transformed into a giant Tentaspy. He had a long tentacles, and a squid-skin on his entire body, his clothes were ripped off.

You were right all along.

"Heh, Mann vs. Monsters I guess." You mumbled.

You saw Medic with his syringe gun on his hand, he smiled in insanity.

"Mission begins in 10 seconds."

'Wait, what the (random word)-'

"I haff made it on purpose, fräu. I've set zat. And it vas I, ze one vho broke ze team's respawning room."

"You're freakin' insane!" You yelled at him.

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Begin!"

"Last one alive, lock the door!" Soldier yelled somewhere you don't know.

All of you screamed, just like you all did in the battlefield when the battle starts.

You were with Scout, fighting against your team's Sniper, Soldier and Heavy.

"They're too strong!" You said as you fight them all.

"I have a plan, stay behind me!" Scout responded.

Scout drink one of his liquor, and then he swings his baseball bat just in one blow.

"Goddamn." You muttered.

"Quick! Into tha' base!"

You followed him through the base, and you tried to find your syringe gun in your bag while you're running.

"Come on! Where is it!?" You said to yourself with frustration.

"(Y/N), Watch out!" Scout yelled from his back.

You turned back and you saw your team's Spy. You tried to run, but it was too late. He pinned you down to the floor, hissing at you.

"S-Spy... Its me, (Y/N)! Listen to me!" You said to him as you tried to free yourself, but his grip was too strong.

You saw Scout was dead, leaving you alone in the base with Medic, Pyro, and Spy around you.

'You gotta be kiddin' me...'

You tried to grab your bag, which was a few inches away. You finally grabbed the syringe gun, rolled the ammo quickly until you saw the syringe with 'Spy' name label on it, and then you sting at his right arm.

He yelped in pain and backed away, releasing you. He hissed in pain, releasing the syringe which was stuck on his right arm and holds his arm.

You looked around and then you noticed you were trapped, the monsters were circling around you protectively.

"Shit! Where are they?!" You mumbled.

"Looks like they've betrayed jou." He said as he gave you a sadistic grin.

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