My New Life.

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      I twitched, glaring at the blank desert in front of me. Hueco Mundo is like the Hollows evil lair, so why are there no hollowsI growled at the thought, my black lined lips stretching into a snarl. No hollows means no upgrade. My ears flattened against my head as my metallic tail clicked against itself, my hollow plated paws spreading against the sand as I walked further. My leafy eyes scanned the sands, searching for any signs of life. God is this place bland, I couldn’t help but think. I’m bored out of my mind here!

      Oo, look, something moved! Oh, wait, it’s just more sand. I deadpanned and snapped my jaws at the wind. I bent my legs, plopping onto the sand and surveying the area again, my tail poised above me, ticking loudly as I thought.What to do, what to do… Oh! Maybe I can practice my ‘telepathy’? I guess I could do that! My ears perked up, my tail swishing loudly side to side. Oo, maybe I can dig a hole in the sand and cover myself up! I can search for a Hollows brain waves and attempt to convince it to come my way using manipulative suggestion… Although, I’ve never been able to do that, so I doubt I’ll get that far… The idea slowly become more and more entertaining. My lips curled back in a grin, practicing my natural abilities seems like a very good idea.

       You see, I can sense for miles when I’m using Reiatsu as my base, but when it comes to brain waves I have nearly no reach. It’s sad, really. I guess I’ll just have to stretch out my radius until I can find a Hollow. This is really going to test my patience… I sweat dropped and nodded to myself. I picked up my paws before pouncing into the sand, my nails sinking through the heavy layers as if it were air. Sand was flying underneath my long body, quickly growing into a pile as I continued digging. Slowly, the sickening sensation of falling started to wash over me. My lips twitched slightly as I looked down, seeing my black, hollow plated paws seemingly being absorbed into the sand.

       No way… It’s quick sand! I didnt even know this stuff existed here! I whimpered and attempted to tug my paws out of the thickening sand. My mind scrambled for something—anything—I could do as I panicked. Honestly, have you ever heard of someone escaping quicksand?

       I howled low, leaning onto my hind legs as I tensed the muscles in preparation. I yanked them out, my paws slowly tearing out of the sands devilish reach. I let them sit in the quicksand again and prepared to jump out, tensing the muscles again, but I was too late. My head dropped into the sand, and no matter how much I shook and jerked, it would resurface.

       I continued to sink, my breath caught in my lungs as I struggled. My hind legs, my only hope of ever escaping, sank into the sand thus destroying all plans of breaking out. My chest nearly burst with anxiety. Oh god… I whimpered as I stared down at what I had just fallen into. Who wouldn’t be scared when they were falling into the Menos Forest? Dont get me wrong, I’m pretty damn fearless, but I know how to pick my battles too. I’m just a lowly hollow slipping into the den of the elites.

       I remember what one hollow told me when I was much younger… The hollow actually watched over me while I was still learning the ways of defending myself. He’d always protect me when hollows stronger than I could handle would attack me. It was something I didn’t understand. Why wasn’t he as ruthless as them? I guess the guys fatherly instincts never left him, even after he turned into a hollow. He told me he remembered having a bunch of little grandkids when he died… I mentally shook my head.

       While hunting, he was telling me about this place… He said ‘Beware the place where only the high class hollows live. This specific place is infested with Menos. Even I'm not at Menos level yet, Suki. That means they’re even stronger than me!’ I remember how loud he laughed. I hit him and told him to be quiet before he gave away our position. ‘But this place doesn’t  just have the Menos I’ve told you about Suki... They have Adjuchas and Vasto Lordes too. Those two are even stronger than the Menos I've told you about about. That place is... it's basically the resting place for the elitehollows.’

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