Three months later! This is gonna be fun!

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^'^'^'^'^'^'^'^ Three months later! This is gonna be fun! ^'^'^'^'^'^'^'^

~~~??? P.O.V~~~

I continued to creep inside, careful to make little noise. It was slowly getting brighter(1) and brighter, the light guiding me through the cave. My eyes darted around the spacious cave, my eyes immediately drawn to the masks that decorated the wall. She was collecting them. I shivered as I stared at my old mask. I don't even know what I look like now, but... I don't know, I don't want to see it. I averted my eyes to the next thing, a shelf of seemingly... Body parts? I took a step back, but my eyes widened as I stepped onto a small plate of glass, snapping it in half, the sound sharp in the quietness of dawn.

~~~your P.O.V~~~

My eyes opened a little, it couldn't of been any more than three hours that I slept, I shouldn't be up now. I groggily looked around, but my blurry eye sight didn't see anything out of the ordinary, so I began to go back to sleep, at least, I tried. I felt something slither into my paw. I could hear Kei hiss and I opened my eyes again and looked at him. He used his tail to write in the sand 'intruder'. I nodded slowly as my mind processed it, then woke up as I caught a whiff of a foreign scent. I quickly got up and lurched forward, jumping onto the intruder as I snarled and snapped at it.

I quickly noticed it was a frog, and memory flew back to me... It couldn't be? "Don't try to kill me again!" it said and I was assured it was the same frog. I didn't get up though.

"Why are you here? Why are you alive!" I near shouted at the frog. He didn't look the same, he was a little smaller and the mask that used to cover his whole... Beak/mouth was now only outlining it in red, as well as around his eyes. He was still green and had huge eyes though, so I assume his tongue was still... Insanely weird. I shivered a bit.

"I don't know, I guess when you thought you killed me... I didn't die--" he said, but was swiftly cut off by Kei.

"No shit" he said as he rolled his eyes, slithering out of the dark to stand beside me.

"As I said, I guess my regeneration is better than I thought. I've been healing and decided I would come look for you once I was healed enough." he said, now looking calmly at me and Kei. "I didn't come to hurt you or anything, I actually came to ask to join you on.... What ever it is you're doing." he continued.

I looked at Kei. Kei slithered onto my head and stared at him. "how do you even know him?" he asked me.

"Remember when I told you I collect masks? His is one of the ones I collected, after I had killed him. Or at least, after I thought I had killed him." I said, re arranging my words as I glanced at him. Kei nodded and shrugged.

"Your choice. All I know is that I'm definitely not trusting him, if he wanted peace then he wouldn't have snuck in here." he said, hissing out the word 'snuck'. I sighed.

"Why do you want to join me?" I asked.

"You're clearly strong and you seemed quite funny on the battle field. Why not you know?" he said, giving off a frog like shrug as he spoke. I nodded and weighed the options mentally. If he were to join I would have two team mates. We would be able to go through the hollows and likely be able to become a Vasto Lorde easily.

But then again, with a larger group it's more people to protect and think about, more people to trust. I took a glance at Kei; he didn't trust him, that could be a problem. But if we did become a group, they would become accustomed to each other. We would be able to have a pack, our own... Family.

That thought immediately brought me back to grandpa and how we were a family before he... Died. 'He didn't die' I thought stubbornly. 'He was murdered.' I finished. I shook my head. By traveling in this group we would get close and if... If one of them were to die i'd be devastated, just like grandpa. I sighed, this is tough, and I don't even have Kei to help me decide.

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