I'm an arrancar! Stupid pervs!

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^'^'^'^'^'^'^'^ I'm an arrancar! Stupid pervs! ^'^'^'^'^'^'^'^

~~~ A couple weeks later~~~

   Remember when I was nonchalant about the battle with Ulquiorra? Yeah, that didn't last much longer than the first couple of hours.

   Now that I've thought about it, I'm down right pissed! He humiliated me in front of all those Adjuchas! Not to mention he broke my 'unbeatable' streak! I've been training everyday for the past couple weeks so I would be prepared for the next time we battle. I'll be strong enough to kill him.

   Kei and Kenichi are a bit worried about me, I haven't been going to the cave lately and I barely talk to them. Kei continuously tries to get me to stop and talk to him, talking in a light, soft voice; as if I were a deer that would run away if he were too loud, or a mother speaking to her crying child. Kenichi on the other hand was practically ignoring me. At first he was worried, but then I told him about how I promised to kill Ulquiorra. I don't know if I said something wrong, but he wont talk to me right now.

            (So first you're over protective and worried, now you're angry and ignoring me?)

  It's not my fault that I'm a very....  E̶g̶o̶t̶i̶s̶t̶i̶c̶a̶l̶  proud person. I don't like to lose and I definitely don't like to be humiliated. So, I will train myself, I will make sure I'm strong enough to take him down next time.

  I swiped my tail at the large crystal tree in front of me, a new wave of anger replenishing my energy. I watched the tree collapse on itself and grinned. I continued to lash out at random trees, preforming quick combos as I knocked them down with powerful slashes, kicks, and bites.

  I switched out physical combat for my element training. I began to control the earth around the trees and began to uproot them all as I carried them around. I maneuvered one of them so it was horizontal and whacked another tree with it. I grinned as both shattered. I panted as I looked at Kei, hurriedly slithering towards me and Kenichi hopping at his own pace, looking at everything but me.

                         What did I do?!

  Kei looked around the clearing, cluttered with broken crystals and piles of sand. "Suki, I think you're over doing it. Come take a break back at the cave." Kei mumbled softly, staring at me with hopeful eyes. He looked like a lost child. I shook my head.

   "No. I have to get stronger. I HAVE to kill that guy. He deserves it." I mumbled as I continued my vigorous training, furiously attacking the trees.

  "You know, Suki, he didn't kill you. Maybe you should let him go. He could've killed you, but he didn't..!" Kei protested. I rolled my eyes.

  "That's because you two cut in." I stated. I then walked up to Kei and whispered in his ear--well, where I think his ears are. "Speaking about you two, what's going on with Kenichi? He wont even look at me!" I whisper-yelled, curious.

  Kei shook his head, "He's jealous you're spending so much time thinking about that guy instead of hanging out with us."

  "That's it?" I asked, a sweat drop appearing.

  "Yeah, that's all he told me."

  I rolled my eyes and walked over to Kenichi and bonked him over his head with the blunt side of my tail. "What?" Kenichi shouted, clutching his head.

  "You're being all pissy at me because you're jealous I wont hang out with you?" I said incredulously. Kenichi looked to the sand and nodded. I rolled my eyes again, "I just want to get stronger, he made me look weak back in the arena. I don't like looking weak." I stated.

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