Chapter 2

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@I picked up each kitten and studied them to see if they were in perfect health and to know their personalities. I've come to the conclusion though the yellow male kitten and the deep red male kitten have different views on different arts, since their both yowling at each other while looking through the bag of art supplies I bought. While the silver kitten is fascinated by the collection of books I've collected over the years on different religions. The brown male kitten with black stitches is trying to open my safe. A black male kitten with red eyes is chatting with a blue male kitten who is quite interested in my mother's fish tank filled with mollies, groumies, angles, and tetras. The orange male kitten sticks to the side of the only female kitten. Chatting to her, she chats back to him most of the time but her gaze is fixated on the sickly red male kitten. The orange male kitten seems to be the leader but I could be wrong. The male kitten that's all black with an orange face has an unusual personality.
I let out a sigh, I already have a lot of cats. If Pudy finds out she's not gonna be happy with them. She already has to deal with Smudge and Edith chasing her all the time wanting to be the boss. She will give these kittens h*ll.
Speak of one of the devils, here is Kally.
I scratch the back of my head nervously, anxious to see what the kitty will do. Instead Kally sniffs carefully around the sickly red kitten and turns her head towards me. Her eyes narrowed dangerously, she hisses at me. Ignoring the red kitten completely. I take a few steps back.
"Easy Kally. Kally bear now come on, no violence now." I tried to plead to my cat. Key word tried.
Kally darted forward swatting at my ankles, I did what any other sane person would do.
"Run away!!!'' I screeched. Taking off and locking myself in the bathroom.
Unlocking the the bathroom door, I slowly looked around the room before stepping out into the open. I walk into the living room only to freeze to see Kally calmly sitting on the coffee table licking her paws her eyes completely focused on me. I took a few steps back only to realise that Kally is no longer angry at me. Sighing and thanking every God that was out there I made my way around carefully to check on the sickly red kitten.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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