01| The Bad Beginning

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Layla's POV

We were all sitting in the barn drinking and having fun when the lights turned off. I looked up at the ceiling. "What happened?" Emily asked.

"It must be the storm." Spencer answered. We all heard a loud noise that made me jump out of my seat a little. "That didn't sound like the storm."
I said looking around. Aria looked at me with a scared look "Something's out there." The door to the barn opened up "Guys." Hanna replied with a shaky voice.

We got up and started walking towards the door when we heard the sound of glass breaking. Everyone screamed and I latched onto Spencer's arm. We continued to walk towards the door as I tightened my grip. Ali came out of nowhere. "Gotcha." she laughed. Everyone screamed while I literally jumped onto Spencer.

"That's not funny, Alison! Layla get off of me!" I got down but still held onto her arm just in case something else scary happened. Everyone laughed while Allison said "I thought it was hilarious, girls."

Hanna sat down on the sofa lightly. "Ali, did you download the new Beyoncé?" I went and sat down next to her. "Not yet." Allison answered while handing me a cup. I took a drink from it and almost threw up from how bad it tasted.

"I'm loving her new video." Emily responds with a big smile. I handed the cup back to Allison. "Maybe a little too much, em." Everyone laughed except me. I gave Emily and sad glance as Allison handed Aria the cup. "Your turn. Go on." Aria took a big drink.
"Careful, Aria. Take too much, and you'll tell us all your secrets." Spencer laughed.

"Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close. Drink up."

I woke up to the sound of talking and someone shaking me. "Layla wake up!" The voice said. I opened my eyes and saw Aria. "Where's Ali and Spencer?" Hanna asked. I looked around and saw that they weren't here. "Weird." I mumbled rubbing my eyes.

Aria got up started waking to the door. I saw someone coming towards the barn. "Ali?" Aria asked. I went and stood next to her. "She's gone," Spencer said. "What do you mean she's gone?" Aria asked. "People just don't vanish out of nowhere," I said while I crossed my arms.

"I looked everywhere for her. I think I heard her scream." Spencer answered.

This is my first story so I'm sorry if it's horrible.

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