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3 Years Later

I jogged around the park, glancing around at the kids playing on the swings and shooting down the slide. I stopped by a stop sign, bending over at my waist, resting my hands on my knees. I panted, wiping the beads of sweat from my forehead. I pulled my phone out of my short pocket, looking at the time. 11:48 a.m. I sighed, changing the song. Freaks and Geeks by Childish Gambino came on, causing me to stand up and start jogging back to the house.

"Im back!" I panted, shutting the door, not wanting any of the refreshing cool air to fly out of the house. "How was your run?" Nate asked, coming around the corner. "Shitty. Its like Death Valley out there," I sighed. He handed me the cup that was in his hands. I took, it, guzzling it down. "Thank you, babe," I smiled. I walked over to him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Im gonna hop in the shower, then Ill start on lunch, yeah?" I said. "Sounds good," he smiled back, winking.

I piled some fries onto my plate, while Nate came over, holding two burgers in his hands. I grabbed one, humming along to the song I had playing. "Gotta be sick of this guy. Pull up, skiirrt, get in the ride. Left hand is steering the other is gripping your thigh," Nate rapped, his lips moving against my neck, his left hand on my hip, the other on my thigh. I looked up at him, smiling. "Get your horny ass away from me," I giggled pushing him, lightly by his chest, away from me. I pulled the bun off of my burger, slapping on some ketchup. "Your so mean," he huffed, grabbing the ketchup out of my hand. I smiled, kissing his cheek. I took a fry, dipping it in the jar of mayo. "And gross. What the fuck man?" Derek said, walking into the kitchen. He grabbed the mayo off the counter, grabbing a spoon. "Yeah Derek, come in," I said, rolling my eyes. Derek spooned a heap of mayo onto my plate. He closed up the mayo, then put it up. He grinned, shutting the fridge. "If I knew you were coming I wouldve made you a burger," I said, feeling bad that he had to watch us eat. "Nah, I had some pussy before I came over," he said. I looked at him, my mouth gaping. "Fucking Chinese dipshit," he chuckled. "Okay, next time dont say pussy and I wont mistake it for one of your sluts," I said, ripping my burger in half. I held the smaller half of the burger out to Derek. He grabbed it, smiling. "Nate, I swear. Your girl is fucking sweet," Derek chuckled, taking a big bite of the burger. He groaned as he chewed it. I giggled, taking a bite of my half. I let the flavors of everything do their thing, rolling my eyes into the back of my head. (Is this food smut? Is this even right? Who have I become?)

I laughed as Nate and Derek ran from a house, laughing hysterically. As soon as they hid behind the bushes, an old man opened his door. "Who the hell did that! I was in the middle of watching my westerns!" He yelled, causing us all to crack up. "Your in the bushes! Percy! We've got fiends around here!" He yelled. His wife-- or daughter-- came out, looking around. "Damn," Derek said, biting his lip. "Derek shut up! We don't need your hormones crashing our ding dong ditch festival right now!" Nate whisper yelled. "Sorry. On three, we leave," Derek said. Nate and I both nodded. "One, two," I whispered, standing up. "Three!" I yelled, bolting away from the bush, Derek and Nate following me. "You two are slackers!" I yelled, my feet hitting the pavement. I stopped at a bus stop, waiting for them to catch up. They slowly emerged, panting like dogs on a hot summer day.

This was the life I love. This is my life. No Sam, no worries. With my boyfriend and my best friend.

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