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I walked into my office, smoothing my pencil skirt.

My boss was talking to me about how im showing up late. Just then, the door to his office opens. "Sir, hes here. The new hire," she said. "Send him in," he grumbled. She said a quick ok, closing the door. It opened once again. "I'll deal with you later, Grinley," he said. "Alyssa?" I turned around, baffled at who I saw. "Sam?" I choked out. I looked down at his suit, noticing a silver wedding band on his ring finger. I looked away, blinking away the unnecessary tears. "How are you?" He asked. "Great. I'm perfect, you?" I asked. "I'm living, that should be enough," he chuckled.  DONT FORGET ABOUT THAT RING ON YOUR FINGER COCK WAFFLE. "Good. Stassie?" I smiled. Now I've gotten your full attention. "Um, she's good. Shes just recovering from our wedding," he said, looking down at the floor. "Good for you," I said, patting his back as I walked to the door. "Just don't fuck this one up," I smiled walking out of my bosses office.

Short chapter, sorry !!
But, on the good side, Alyssa's a SAVAGEEEEEE
Btw I'm changing the title to Rotten so be prepared for it.
-boo boo bitch
Word count: 211

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