chapter 16

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There were lionesses around the youngest of Zira's cubs as his training was being intensified about fighting against Simba. Janja came over to the lioness.

"What is it?" Zira glanced down at him.

"You might want to take extra action to be necessary," Janja advised. "Simba and Nala's other cub Kion is in charge of this generation's Lion Guard and he's paired up with a cheetah, an egret, a honey badger, and a hippo!"

"What?!" Zira glared.

Janja visibly flinched at Zira's uproar. "It's true, Zira," he defended. "Kion is just a cub, but he has the roar of the great kings of the past in him!"

"There must be a way to defeat them, Mother." Vitani said, overhearing the conversation.

"We'll find a way..." Zira snarled.

Kovu looked over. "What's the Lion Guard...?"

"It's a long story, just focus on destroying Simba until you're ready." Zira snarled at her youngest cub. "Kion may be the youngest in the Lion Guard, but as MY youngest cub, you're going to be the one to kill Simba for killing Scar!"

"Yes, Mother." Kovu nodded with a frown.

Janja was relieved that Zira was still believing that Simba was the one that killed Scar.

"What can we do, Mother?" Vitani asked.

"The same thing we've been doing since your brother met Simba's daughter, training to the death." Zira sharply replied. "Janja and the other hyenas have the assignment to destroy the Lion Guard."

"We won't let you down." Janja saluted.

"You better not, I hate disappointment." Zira sneered.

"I know." Janja said.

"Good boy..." Zira grinned darkly. "And very soon, your efforts will be rewarded."

"Thank you, Zira." Janja bowed.

"You may go now." Zira allowed.

Janja nodded and went back to his clan to tell them what Zira had told him.

Kion was praised throughout Pride Rock as it was getting dark and the time to be with family.

"Kion, I should apologize for not taking you guys seriously when you said you were the new leader of the Lion Guard." Kiara frowned.

Simba and Nala approved of this.

"That's okay," Kion smiled, then smirked slightly. "At least I got my life together, right?"

"Yeah, yeah..." Kiara rolled her eyes, then smiled back to him. "I'm really proud of you."

"Same here." Kopa added in.

"Thanks, guys." Kion smiled, nuzzling up to them both.

"Another perfect Circle of Life..." Simba sighed softly. "I really wish Grandfather Mufasa and Grandmother Sarabi were here to see this."

Atticus, Mo, Cherry, and Forte hugged their children, happy that they were alive along with the Pokemon.

"Maman..." Felicity nuzzled against her mother.

"Fliss..." Cherry gently replied, lightly stroking her daughter's dark brown hair.

"We're so glad you dears are okay." Mo said.

"We were worried..." Atticus added.

"We're sorry, we didn't mean to make you guys worry." Estelle frowned.

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