Hospital beds

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Carl's POV

It all happened so fast. Brooklyn faints out of nowhere, she nearly falls. I keep her from falling. I carry her, my stomach tightens and I can't help but to feel scared. I probably won't show it, but I'm petrified for her.

Ever since I was little i've had to be strong, no one come close to me. Brooklyn fucked that up. But in a good way. I've always been the one who scared every one, now I'm the scared one.

It happened too fast.


"Please tell me what's wrong." I beg the doctor.
"Only family." The man tells me over and over again. I could punch the man but I'm on probation. I can't go back, Brooklyn was bad off without me.
So I try my best to not get irritated with him.

"She doesn't have family, her mother died not over a year. We're basically her family." Fiona adds to help me see her.

"You're mistaken, says here. Her dad is in England. But he's on his way." The doctor says.

"There something we can do..." Fiona opens her wallet.

"Give us a chance, ten minutes?" She smirks and hands him100.

"Oh yes, you're Fiona Harrison, her sister. Please come in." The doctor lies and let's us in.

The hospital bed, Brooklyn is in top of it.
"Brooklyn. Is she okay?" I say and go up to her. She's so pale, her eyelids are gently closed. Her hands, both have IVs on them.

"There are two diagnosis for her, psychotic depression or dysthymic disorder. She's most likely going to a medical institution. We'll have to talk to her father." The doctor says.

Oh fuck.


Brooklyn POV

I feel weird, I wake up to see the doctors look at me weirdly. Which makes me uncomfortable. But I see Carl looking back at me and he smiles.

He tries to take a step forward but a hand stops him from doing so.
A left hand with a silver ring on it. I remember that ring.

I look to see the Ring's owner. His face smiles.

"Long time no see sweetie." He says.

"What are you doing here dad?" I ask him. I lift myself up and scoot back.

"I'm taking care of you now." He says and it makes me irritated.

"How can you just come out of nowhere? What makes you think you can just barge in out of thin air. You especially. How is your other wife with her other kids? Why don't you just go back. I don't want you here!" I yell.

"I am your father! You will respect me!" He just says back.

I stay quiet and just stare at him.

I exchange looks with Carl.

"Can you leave Carl and I to talk?" I say sweetly, all fake of course.

"2 minutes." Dad gets up and closes the door behind him.

Carl immediately comes to me and pecks my lips.

"God you never told me your dad was built like the Hulk? Thank god I didn't smart talk that son of a bitch." He makes a joke off the scenario.

"Yeah.I cant let him know that we're together." I move closer to his ear to whisper.

"Especially if we're already having sex, he'd literally beat the living shit out of both of us. I know you hate it but give me time to talk to him. If I can." I say lastly awaiting his response.

"Brooklyn, they're something I have to tell you." Carl says sadly.

"W-what is it?" I suddenly ask.

"You're dad. He signed some papers and-" I interrupt.

"What papers?"

"You're going to a mental hospital." The words hit me hard and my stomach churns.

Afflicted One -> Carl GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now