Link Shrine

716 13 2

Link has join the chat
Cia has joined the chat
Cia has named the chat "Lovers"

Link: No, we are not.

Cia: Why not?

Link: Because you has an entire room filled with pictures of me, and a place that's filled with statues of me.

Cia: ...

Link has named the chat "Warning: Crazy Yandere".

Link: Where did you even get all of those pictures?

Cia: I hired someone.

Link: ... You did? Who?

Cia: I'm not telling.

Link: Is he/she following me right now?!

Cia: Maybe...

Link: ...

Link has left the chat.

Cia: Aw, that's cute. He's scared now. Time to take more pictures!

Cia has left the chat.

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