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[handsomepigjin added bitterjim to #the main hoes]

imadboy: binch I'm literallygon cut ur throat don't test me u wanna fight lets fight

jhate: stop acting so tough you're like 50

imadboy: you're a year younger than me

jhate: at least I'm 49 not 50

handsomepigjin: ok kids what's wrong this time

imadboy: I told hoseok he looked like a grilled cat and he got mad at me

jhate: how do you know what a grilled cat looks like you asshole cannibal beast kink

imadboy: how do you now what a spiky ass hole looks like bc that's what you called me three minutes ago

jhate: spiky asshole

imadboy: grilled cat

handsomepigjin: enough

rapmother: I really have nothing to say ever in this group chat !

rapmother: I'm hungry does anyone know how to cook. you have to cook for me because I'll set the hous on fire if I cook for myself

bitterjim: how can a cactus light the house on fire

rapmother: did you just call me a fuccin cactus

bitterjim: yêś ï dįd

beforew: oh

beforew: wanna go eat some Taco Bell?

musclebun: yeah

handsomepigjin: we're

handsomepigjin: a mess 

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