A Weekend Away (Part I)

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Louis and Zayn had decided to take their 3 boys for a weekend away, they were picking 5 year old Niall and 14 year old Liam up from their schools and driving up to their log cabin.

Louis was a stay at home dad and looked after their ,just turned 2 year old son, Harry. Zayn owned and ran his own record label, so the family had plenty of money. Louis and Zayn had been childhood sweet hearts and got married as soon as they hit 18 years old. 2 years later, they adopted Liam when he was just a year old. It was a rough few years when they got Liam, as he was in and out of hospitals. He was very ill, having problems with his kidneys, as one had failed but luckily by the time he was 9 they had both started working properly. But he still has to be careful, as it could become a problem again.

Then the family decided to adopt Niall, who was their little bundle of energy and loved all food and looked up to Liam. They weren't planning on adopting anymore kids until Louise told them about a baby boy called Harry, who was born prematurely and was up for adoption. Harry needed a loving home and due to him been born early, he may have issues and needed a family who will be able to afford help. They fell in love with Harry the minute they saw him, and once he was healthy they were able to bring him home. Their family was now complete.

Harry was still tiny for his age and was behind in some of his development, but his two older brothers helped him while he was coming along.

"Zayn are you ready? The cars all packed and Harry's already in the car." said Louis

"I'm coming" he replied back

As soon as they had picked the other two up, they were driving along the highway.

"Daddy where are we going?" Niall asked

"You know we were going to the cabin"

"Yay! Did you pack Roger?" he said worriedly

"Yes, Roger is all packed"

Niall looked at Liam, who was listening to his mp3 player.

"Not that I need him... I'm a big boy like Liam, but he gets lonely at home" said Niall

Louis smiles but feels a pang of sadness that his little boy is growing up and bit fast for his liking, even though he knows that Liam still has his bear Mr. Honey in his suit case.

"Zayn, I think it's time to stop for some dinner. I see a board up ahead and it's McDonalds" said Louis

"Okay baby"

"Yay McDonalds!" said Niall

Zayn turns and soon they are sitting in the McDonalds, eating their food. Niall is eating his burger while playing with his toy he got from his happy meal. Liam's talking to Zayn about his team ups and future football matches, as he was captain of the year 10 football team. Harry was being difficult, as he didn't want his nuggets or his chips and kept hiding his head in Louis' top.

"Come on sweetie. You need to eat or you'll be hungry later" says Louis gently

"Maybe get him a milkshake to drink from his bottle. That will fill him up" said Zayn "I'll get him a strawberry one while you eat your food before it goes cold"

Louis nods saying, "Thank you."

Zayn gets the milkshake and pours it into Harry's bottle and hands it to him. Harry begins to drink it slowly.

Soon everyone finishes.

"Right. I'm going to change Harry's nappy. Liam, Niall, go toilet now as it be a while before we stop again" said Louis

10 minutes later they're back on the road.

Harry falls asleep and Niall and Liam played games on his iPad.

Niall then wakes up 30 minutes later with an urgent need to go to the toilet. He crossed his legs, as he knew he was in the car and his daddy had said they were not going to stop for a while. All the drink he had at McDonalds had caught up with his tiny 5 year old bladder, but he wasn't like Harry who went in a nappy and Liam, who didn't need to go a lot. So Niall decided he didn't need to go a lot. This wasn't working out for him as 5 minutes later he felt himself about to leak into his boxers. Liam felt Niall moving a lot next to him and looks at his little bother with his legs crossed tight and holding himself. He worked out straight away what was up.


"Yes Liam"

"Niall is about to wet himself any second now he really needs to go to the bathroom"

"I do not" said Niall

Louis turns round and looks at Niall.

"Niall don't lie, it's not good to lie"

"Sorry" he whispers, "Daddy I'm about to wee wee in my boxers" he says tears falling down his checks

"Zayn, are any services coming up or any were we can pull over?"

"Afraid there are no services for another 10 miles and there is no hard shoulder"

"Dad do we have any empty bottles?" Liam asked

"Unless there is any in the back were you sit or the boot, then no."

Liam looks around and finds one under his dad's seat from last time he had gone football practice. He was so glad his dad had not noticed it when he cleaned the car quickly.

"Ni you can go in this" said Liam giving him the bottle

"Liam you're going to have to help him" said Louis

"Daddy" sobs Niall "it's coming"

"Liam quickly" Louis shouts, which wakes Harry up, making him cry .

Liam manages to unzip Niall's trousers and aims him into the bottle just in time. The sound of Niall peeing fills the car he soon finishes.

"Look daddy! I made it nearly go to the top" he said as Liam screwed the lid tight on the bottle

"Well done. Just next time please tell us before you get in that state again"

"But I want to be big boy like Liam and he doesn't need to go a lot but I do"

"That's because I'm older and my bladders bigger. When I was your age, I needed to go a lot like you. One day you'll be like me." said Liam "So promise me next time you need to go you'll tell us"

"I promise"

20 minutes later, Harry throws up on himself since being in the car was making him ill. Harry already felt ill before they had started this journey, but now he felt worse and been stuck in the car wasn't helping.

Zayn opened the windows while Louis had managed to turn around and hand Harry a sippy cup with just water in it. He also had an empty container that had food inside incase Harry became sick again. Louis hands it to Liam as he was sitting in between Harry and Niall in the back of the car.

"I'll pull into a services since they aren't as far away now" said Zayn

"Good. Hopefully we get there without anything else happening"


"Yes Liam"

"I need the toilet"

"Well you're going to have to wait"

"I know, I can hold it" he smiles seeing his dad stressed looked on his face starting to appear.

Well here is the first chapter of my brand new book. This story kinda floated in to my head today so i decided to write it down. So hope you like :)


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