week end away (part 3)

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the next day harry still wasent feeling great and just clung to louis.

"i think you should take liam and niall out for the day while i stay here and look after harry thier no point everyone staying indoors easpily as the weather is nice" said louis

"ture keeping niall cooped up all day is never a good idear"

zayn decied him and the boys could have a day at the lake. this way they could swim, play football, have a picknick even go boating on the lake.

harry didnt even notich his brothers and dad leaving him as he was curled up in his daddys arms watching tv while sucking on a bottle what had water in it.

when they got to the lake niall ran straight to the waters edge

"i want to swim i want to find the monster" shouts niall

"thiers no monster in thier silly they only have monsters in scotland and were not in scotland" said liam

"dad can we go scotland" says niall

"not today sweetie thats a long way from here" said zayn "come here and well get you ready to go in the water"

once niall was in his arm bands and just his swim shorts he was soon splashing liam in the water while zayn sat on a blanket watching them as he read a book.

after a few hours niall was getting tried in the water and was getting hungery plus he needed a wee


"yes ni"

"need a wee wee and me hungery"

"well yourll have to go behind a tree and then well have to ask dad for some food"

niall had a think then nodds. both boys get out the water and zayn looks up

"just taking niall for a wee and hes hungery" said liam

"ok well its just about lunch time so ill set up the food while you take him"


by the time liam got niall to a suitable tree niall had decied he was not sure if he liked the idear of going on a tree

"come on ni just go wee then we can go have some yummy food"

"dont want to want to go in a toilet" said niall holding himself

"how about if i go would that get you to go" said liam

niall just nodds

liam counted believe he was going to be doing this he was 14 after all but his little brother needed him. soon liam peeing on the tree.

"i want to do that to lili" said niall as he started to pull his shorts down

"just remeber to aim as dont want u getting it all over ur shorts or your feet" said liam as he puts himself away

"i did it " said niall once he had finshed going

"well done ni. now shall we go find dad and see whats for lunch"

ni nodds and puts himself away. then they go find zayn.

"daddy daddy i went wee wee on a tree" shouts ni

"good job baby now clen ur hands with this" said zayn handing him some hand santizer what liam used and helped niall use.

just as they were about to eat zayn phone rung. it was louis.

"zayn im at the hospital with harry he passed out in my arms and was unrepsonisve he came round but hes now at the hospital been tested on" said louis in panick

"right well pack up here and well come up"

"ok see u soon" said louis glad his husband would be joining him soon

"dad whats wroung?" ask liam

"harrys in hospital were going this now can you help me pack up and i need you to help watch niall while were in the hospital as me and your dad be sorting harry"

"sure dad anything as long as harry gets better" said liam worried about his youngest brother

liam helps his dad pack up and they head to the cabin an hour later they were at the hospital and went to were harry and louis was.

"how is he" asked zayn

hi guys sorry for the long wait but here is the next install ment and now i no people like this book i will be updating it more regulery espialy now i have idears :) thank you for sticking buy me :)

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