Weekend Away (Part II)

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10 mins later, Zayn pulls into the services. Liam climbs over Niall and gets out and to head to the toilet.

"Liam take Niall with you see if he needs to go again. And yes, I know he just went in the bottle, but you never know so just get him to try . Can you also empty that bottle for me?" said Louis as he got Harry out his seat and grabbed some clean clothes. Harry was really upset, cuddling close to Louis " It's okay bubba, we'll have you cleaned up soon."

"Okay dad" Liam replied quickly, getting Niall out his seat and dragging him to the toilets.

Louis went to the family bathroom to clean up Harry when he undid Harry's nappy, he noticed he had messed it badly.

"oh dear your really not feeling to well are you honey?"

Harry just continues to cry and soon Louis had cleaned him up just leaving him in a top and nappy as he felt warm.

They met the other 2 outside 5 minutes later.

"He okay dad?" asked liam

"I think he's under the weather"

"Oh no! He's not gonna like been in the car then he'll just want cuddles"

"No, but there's only 2 hours left so hopefully he'll be okay"

Soon they were back in the car. Niall fell asleep 30 minutes later, but Harry just felt worse and worse and before he could even say daddy he thew up again on himself and bursted into tears as he messed his nappy again. Louis turned around and nearly cursed when he saw the state Harry was in.

"Zayn we need to pull over. Harry was sick again"

Zayn pulled in to a lay by and Louis got Harry out and cleaned him up, changing him. Liam helped by cleaning Harry's car seat as best he could.

It took an hour longer to get to the cabin, as they had to keep stopping for Harry.

Liam woke Niall up and then he helped Zayn take the suit cases in while Niall ran to his room. Each boy had their own bedroom at the cabin.  Louis goes and gives Harry a bath then carries him in just a nappy and t shirt. Harry had his head on Louis shoulder and his dummy in his mouth holding his teddy.

"Liam and I are going to head to the shop to get supplies, like food and we'll pick up dinner as nobody can be bothered to cook tonight. Anything you want us to pick up?" said Zayn

"Yes, some more nappies for Mr. here. I think he's gonna need quite a few and some more wipes and some cream"

"Sure, do you want us to take Niall?"

"Nah, he'll be all right. He's tried so he's more likely to need to be held at the supermarket."

Liam and Zayn had got all the groceries they needed and then went and got dinner for everyone. They were soon home with chippy.

"We're home! We bring food!" shouted Zayn

"We're in here watching tv" said L

Liam brings the food in while Zayn puts the groceries away.

They spend the rest of the evening watching the tv and eating food. Harry fell asleep after having a bottle. Louis put him to bed then by the time it got to nine he put Niall to bed and sent Liam to bed.

Him and Zayn crawled into bed and he hoped that tomorrow Harry would feel much better.

I know this chapter is not that great, but they will get better I promise. I'm just trying to get the story going :)


FamilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora