A message (Prose)

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Life is what you make it. It is that ray of hope we create on our own. If we start counting the number of people who are depressed, there would be millions. People who have lost the love of their lives, people who have lost their purpose in life. We all suffer. Everyone of us, some way or the other.

Life isn't always fair. That is the way its supposed to be. We do have that one stage where all we see is darkness. That one moment when we feels our world is drifting apart. We strive for finding out the answers, reasons for our misery. Aah! There's that cliché roller coaster thing we've always heard. Ups and downs...this and that. It is true, isn't it? Our days are bright, at times. The 'ups' of our life. And then comes those extremely low, depressing days. Days when our pessimistic form shows. All you need to remember is, the answer lies within you. Your conscience. The road to happiness is not ready-made. It is something you create on your own. There ARE bad times. Times when you can't find a way out of the hell hole. But not all doors are closed. There is that door called Hope. The hope that keeps the flame burning. The hope, that helps us strive for a good life. And this hope is that tunnel to happiness. This hope is our light. Our destination.

I just figured out a new mantra- "Forgive and Forget". The two Fs to life. Forgive the people who hurt you. Erase it from your mind. Maybe it's not as easy as I say, but it is at least possible. You know the best thing? Keep smiling. Don't let people think you are weak. Don't let people treat you as someone who has suffered. Be strong. Be proud of yourself. Be proud, that you lived this life as a human who has gone through both evens and the odds.

              By sarcastic_loner_

   Thank you for the instantaneous message. (:

P.S.: Keep smiling. Be happy. Live life, 'cause you only have one.

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