No More Regrets

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Aunt Jess's POV:

Jay's aunt.

So... Last night my mom died. I waited till today to tell Jayden because i didn't know if he was having fun or not. I know im wrong for texting him at school and he probably had a melt down since didnt answer my calls.

I know i can be blunt sometimes but i dont sugar coat. My mom was trying to say something before she died. She said "forever" and her heart monitor started dropping. 70. Then the flat line.

I was so shocked. I called the nurses and i just stared at them, trying to being my mom back to life. There was no use.

Cancer as won yet again.

Im so serious, doctors need to find a cure for that shxt man. Its too deadly.

Its like once you have it, your already dead. Just a time bomb in your head and once it stops..... YOUR GONE. FOREVER.

i was at home, i didnt know what to do. My mom was all i had, i didnt date because i was scared, im 28 but oh well.

My life is now gone. Jayden acted like the brother I've never had, Racheal, my sister, his mom, she's called me. The bxtch pretended to cry, she didnt even come see mom and i was trying my best not to cuss her out.

Jay still hasn't texted me... Poor kid.

Bella's POV:

I had just got out the shower after school. I had on some gym shorts, some socks, and a tank top. I wanted to relax.

"Bell lets go" Jay said, he hasn't talked since we got home, he's just been crying.

"Where are we going?" i asked, he didnt say anything, he grabbed my hand and we literally ran down stairs.

We didnt get to tell my mama. Hell i didnt even have shoes on.

"Bae where are we going? I dont even have shoes on" i said, as were got in the car and he put the car in reverse.

"Jayden!" i screamed as we pulled out onto the street. "Stop ignoring me and tell me whats going on. Now" i said sternly, he was pissing me off. "Bell please" he whispered, clenching the wheel.

I rolled my eyes, so now he talks.

The ride was silent, he kept sniffling.

"I need them" he said out the blu. "Who?" i asked. "My twins." "but what about your parents?" "whag about em?" i slumped into the seat, "smart ass." i mumbled under my breath, "what was said?" he said, looking over at me a little. I shook my head, "better." he said.

Who the fuck does he think he checking? Sholl not Bell.

I kinda felt played, "who you think your talking to?" i finally asked. He had me fucked up, i know he's mad at all but he aint finna talk to me like im just a child.

He didnt say anything, "helloooo." i said, looking at him.

He just kept driving, i took a very deeo breath and exhaled out. "You playing with me." i said, he turned on the radio.

He really think im playing. Im gonna try my best to be quiet. Stay calm Bell, stay calm.

I decided to just take a little nap, if he decides to kill me, tell my mom okay?

"I just cant let them be there anymore. I dont care what happens, those bastards dont deserve my twins." Jay said again, out the blu and i jumped.

"What chu jumping for?" he asked, he was laughing or smiling, just a sad look on his face.

I didnt say anything. "Bell." still silence, "babe talk to meeeee." he whined. I didnt say anything, he wanna play, i can play too.

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