Chapter 4

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I had no clue what Michael was thinking? Did he hate me? Did he miss me? We sat there silent..the boys puzzled.

"You know each other?" Louis asks

"Y-yes" I stutter

"Can I talk to Everly alone for a minute?" Michael asks

"Sure" they say in unison. I watch them walk out trying not to make eye contact with Michael.

"Ev, why are you here? Where did you go? I've been worrying!" He says

"M-Michael..I was..Trevor kidnapped me."

"What?! Everly you need to call the police!"

"It's not that simple Michael, even if I did they would go to jail for awhile then find me and kill me!"

"Who's they?"He asks

"Trevor is helping some guy who I am guessing got ripped off by Harry, and he wants me to Kill him"

"Every! Just let me call the police"

"Michael, this guy..he has a clean slate, the cops wouldn't listen to some girl who came here without a passport. Michael..I will figure this out." i sigh

"I hope" he coldly replies before walking out. I had to think of something very soon. I heard the door open expecting it to be Harry or One of the boys so I didn't look. I felt hands cover my mouth with a white cloth..and then I felt tired, my eyelids felt heavy..NO! I fought to stay awake, but I lost that battle quick.


I was woken up with the lights blinding me..My head was throbbing and my body hurt everywhere..I..I was naked. I let the nasty truth hit me..I was raped..I was no longer a virgin, and I lost that to someone I truly hated. I felt disgusted..sick..and most of all worthless. I burst into tears, I wanted so badly to go home, why didn't I just go with Michael? I was dumb..Still am. I saw the phone lying on the bed side table. I had texts from Harry, I was to scared to read them. He was probably hurt that I "Left".


Where'd ya go?


Did I do something?


I am sorry

I felt so bad..I hurt someone who has been so kind. Maybe Trevor was right...I am a terrible person.


No, I had to come back to the dorms because My room mate was feeling ill Sorry xx

I hope he would believe that, because I am tired of lying but its what has to be done.. I slowly sit up wincing in pain holding my hip bone..It was bruised.. I slowy walked to the bathroom and take a hot bath cleaning every inch of me. I was bruised everywhere..I sat there crying and thinking of ways to get out of this. I had no Idea what to do..what could I do? I put on some sweats and a tshirt and hope I wasn't leaving this room.

that wish was short lived

"hey slut, you are hangoing out with harry. hurry up" Trevor laughed

From: Harry

How bout we get some coffee and relax at my hotel room?

To: Harry

As long as I can wear my sweats and tshirt, then It's a deal

From: Harry

You could wear a clown suit for all I care. Meet you at Cafe Bistro in 10

I pull my aching body out of bed and slide on some boots then ask for some pain killers. They agreed to let me walk as long as I wore a tracking pin on my boot. I made my way to the Cafe and see Harry sitting at a booth. I walk in fixing my beanie and taking a seat in the booth across.

"Hello" I Smile

"You ok?" He asks

"Yeah, fine why?"

"Your eye is swollen and your cheek is cut"

"Oh uhh I kinda fell while I was walking" I lie

'Ouch, Maybe next time I pick you up?" he smiles

I nod and accept the coffee he hands me, I wasn't a coffee person but I'll drink it. I leave me boots at the cafe without Harry knowing and Slipping on a pair of toms I had on my purse. I didn't need them following me.. We drove back to the hotel and Went directly to Harrys Room. We sat on his couch just chatting and watching some pointless Telly show. I've never really had this close and fun conversation with a guy before. It was nice, I was still sore. Hurting emotionally and physically, but I was hiding it pretty well.

"Everly, are you ok?" Harry asks in all seriousness

"Just feeling abit ill" I frown

"I'm sorry love, do you want some medicine perhaps?"

"Do you have some asprin?" I ask quietly

"Yes, one sec" he sits up walking towards his bathroom, and returns back within minutes. He hands me a glass of water and two pills.

"Thank you Harry" I faintly smile

The rest of the day is spent inside exactly like we were before, snuggled up on his couch watching some sappy love story or horror movie. I wanted to stay in this moment, I wanted it to last.

<[A/N: ok I stopped editing halfway I'm sorry about that , I'm on my iPad so I can't finish editing. I'm getting my iPhone tomorrow so I will we probably writing môslty on their or my iPad, occasionally my laptop.

I know it's kind of sad in the beginning. But it will get better!

Enjoy xx>

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