Chapter 19

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Sorry I'm horrible at updating xx

After hours of training and several water bottles later every inch of my body was aching. Damon tried to get me to quit about an hour ago, but couldn't stop I had to keep going until it hurt. I wasn't going to cry anymore that just shows weakness.

"Every will you tell me what's wrong now?" Damon asks as he hands me a towel to wipe my sweat

"No! I have to keep going!" I toss the towel and head back to the punching bag. My wrist almost worn raw were telling me to listen, but my head said no. I taped up my aching wrists and begin punching the bag as if it were him. I wanted to continue until Damon tore me away from the thing.

"Damon!" I scream

"Every you are going to break your wrists and skin! Now clean up and then meet me in my office. " he orders

I roll my eyes and listen to him. I walk back to his office showered and sore. I take a seat and grab a Granny Smith Apple from his desk. I impatiently wait for him to say anything.

"Now will you explain to me what happend?"

"I had to break up with Harry" I state with a blank face

"That's crazy. That's showing weakness"

"No it's not! It's showing that I don't want him to lose his career and his life! No I cannot do that to someone Damon!" I glare

"Bullshit Everly! You're letting him win"

"No I'm not now I'm leaving" I get up only to be pushed back down

"Where are you going to go? You. We're staying with Harry, and everything is at his mums"

I suddenly remember and mentally punch myself 7 times. I can't go back to his mums for she probably hates me now! Harry will tell her everything and now I risked her life as well as Gemma's. All my stuff is there though. I grab my gym bag and storm off. I began to walk the 10 miles to Harry's mums flat. Once I'm there I see no sign of his car. I quietly knock and wait for anyone to answer.

"Everly!" Gemma gasps and pulls me in

"Where's Harry?" She asks

"What do you mean hasn't he came back?" I question

"No! I thought he was with you?"

I run back outside and pull my phone out of my pocket. I dial Harry's cell and get sent to voicemail each time. No no no something bag could've happened and it's all my fault. I run to town, and search frantically. I spot his car at a empty lot and search it. No sign of him anywhere. I decide to search the pubs. The first three were all a fail, and now this last one is my last resort.

I push my way through people and stand on top of the bar quickly searching then I feel a hand grasp my ankle and jerk me off. I was about to scream and punch whoever it was until I see the horrible face. No he found me!

"Let go of me!" I scream

"No I can't lose you now" he laughs

"Todd let me GO!" I punch him right in the face throwing him off then uppercut him with all my force then take off. I run harder when I see him chasing behind me. No Everly you cannot let him catch you!

"Keep running the more you run the more I'll hurt your precious Harry." He laughs

I stop dead in my tracks and turn toward him clenching my sore fists. Stay strong Everly stand your ground I tell myself.

"Where is he todd"

"Somewhere and I won't set him free until I have you" he smirks

"I thought you wanted him in the first place! Todd you won't do shit!"

"I thought I did, but you're much better! Don't test me Everly darling. All you have to do is simply come with me and Harry is free to live his life."

"I don't think I can trust you" I grind my teeth

"I keep my word, unlike you"


I walk over to him and he grabs ahold of my wrists. Then I hear his voice from behind me.

"No! Everly no he tricked you run!" I turn slightly and see Harry

"You came to late Lover boy sorry" Todd laughs

I struggle to set myself free from his hold. He quickly reacts my head butting me hard. I fall back slightly and feel my head throbbing. My knees go weak and he lifts me over his shoulders.

Harry's POV:

I was to late! I watched him carry her limp body into his car and speed away. I quickly return to my car and speed after him only to get t-boned by one of his minions. I felt my body jerk abruptly and return to its regular position. I Punch my steering wheel on the verge of tears. No! I lost her once and I'm not losing her again! My vision started to blur, but returned quickly. Ah must be from the crash. No Harry you have to get away before fans spot you. I quickly unbuckle the push my door open with all my strength. I fall out but quickly return to my feet.

"Excuse me are you ok?"

I turn and see a girl few years younger then I am. Her facial expression doesn't change and she doesn't start to hyperventilate from just seeing me. She must not be a fan

"Ah yeah I'm fine" I reply rubbing my head

"You sure? You look a bit lost. Maybe I should take you to the ER?"

"No no I'm fine, but thank you" I nod

"Who were you following?" She asks abruptly

"No one. I should go. Thank you for your concern"

"It's not everyday I see a celebrity get in a crash" she laughs

"Ahh you do know who I am" I turn back around

"Of course I do" she smiles

"Ah well it was nice meeting you I better get going"

I walk off quickly and grab my phone out of my pocket to see 12 missed calls from my mum. I quickly call back and see what was wrong.

"Harry?!" She frantically answers

"What mum?"

"The hospital..they called"

"Mum what's going on?"

"Oh god I was so scared. Harry why aren't you, no why weren't you with Everly?!" She cries

"Mum what's wrong answer me!!" I yell

"Everly is in the hospital, and she's been in a wreck. I was scared for I thought she was with you Harry!"

I quickly Hangup and start running for the hospital..

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