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"Oh my God! Someone call 911!"
"Sir, are you alright?"
"Don't worry, an ambulance is on the way!"

Groaning slightly, I staggered to my feet. Using the truck as a boost, I leapt onto the nearest rooftop and ran. Looking back over my shoulder, I saw Touka looking in my direction, a look of longing on her face.

I ran faster, tears pricking at my eyes. My vision blurred and I ran straight into a wall. I landed on my back with a sickening crunch and an agonized scream. Tears flowed freely down my face.

I felt like I was falling. I couldn't breath. I was moving in slow motion, choking on the memory of humanity. 'No!' I tried to scream, but was silenced by grief. Everything that was, everything that could have been, all passing through my mind at once in an incomprehensible mess of faces. Only one thing stood out.

'Touka... It's all my fault.'

((A/N: Hold onto your hats my dear fangirls! The TouKen is strong... *strokes sister's cat like cartoon villain*))

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