Thank You

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First things first, you guys are AMAZING! I had honestly given up on this story and left it to rot, when out of the blue, I got a notification saying someone had commented on my story. I ignored it at first, but then I got curious. The story that I thought to be a plotless piece of crap, actually had people liking it.

When I made the second chapter, I began noticing more positive feedback. I began to like writing again. All thanks to you epic internet friends of mine, especially lostinmyImaginationx, the one that with a small piece of encouragement, inspired me to make a masterpiece.

Thank you.

On a less sappy note! I've just posted the first chapter of a new Tokyo Ghoul   fan fiction, 'Ink and Thread'. Please go check it out, comment whether or not I should continue.

See ya~ *Jumps in trashcan full of yaoi*

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