The Vatican

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When Edward returns to Claire's chambers, he finds her sketching away on a piece of parchment. She glances up at him and smiles "I was wondering if you were going to return." Edward grins as he moves over to stand behind her. He looks down at the piece of parchment to see the beginnings of a portrait. Intense eyes gaze up at Edward "Whose eyes are those?" A content sigh escapes Claire "My father's." When Edward rests his hands on Claire's shoulders, she reaches up to grasp one of his hands "He passed only six months ago, yet I find myself forgetting things about him. I sketch him in hopes that..." Edward presses a kiss to Claire's head "In hopes that you will remember." Claire nods "Yes." She shakes her head as though she is banishing haunting memories "Anyway, my mother is having dinner served in the North hall. We can attend, or if you wish we can have dinner in here." Edward smirks and leans down to whisper huskily "We could work up an appetite, and then enjoy dinner in bed." Claire gasps softly "Edward!" She attempts to feign a disapproving tone, but she dissolves into laughter "Is this all that will be on your mind now?" Another gasp escapes her throat when Edward's lip fall upon her neck. She can feel his low chuckle against her neck "My dear, you are the only thing on my mind." Much to Edward's displeasure, Claire pulls away. She stands and turns to face him. When she sees the discouraged pout on his face, she laughs "Don't look so down." She leans up on her toes to press her lips to his quickly "Escort me to dinner. We must show the people that the house of Valois is not shaken." Edward scowls playfully "Politics really should not be talked about in our room. This is the place for joy, laughter," He leans forward to whisper against Claire's lips "love making." Claire smiles at Edward "I wish we lived lives that allowed us that freedom." She strokes his cheek "No matter. Come, my mother will be expecting us." Edward can't stop the wide smile that floats across his lips as Claire takes his hand in hers and they leave for dinner together.

After dinner, Edward escorts Claire back to her chambers. They walk at a leisurely pace as they talk "I always imagined what my life would be like as a child. My husband, children, the castle that I would live in for the rest of my days." A smirk flits across Edward's lips "It hasn't turned out like you imagined?" Although Edward's smirk is convincing, the flash of hurt in his eyes doesn't go unnoticed by Claire. She grasps his bicep and hugs herself to him "I've been pleasantly surprised thus far." A pretty blush rises to her cheeks "I always imagined falling in love with a prince. It was almost written in the stars. But then you came into my life. It was shortly after that I realized that a prince was not what I wanted." They slow to a stop in front of Claire's door, but Claire stays by Edward's side. He looks down at her "What do you want?" Claire glances up at him with her dark eyes "You." The word is just a whisper, as soft as a breath, but to Edward it sounds as if Claire had screamed it "And has your visions of your life changed?" Claire nods and speaks softly "I imagine you and I marrying, welcoming our first child within a year, moving away from court to our own estate, having more children, and walking along the beach together years from now when we are both old." Edward speaks huskily as he cups Claire's face and presses his forehead to hers "I love you." Claire kisses him softly "I love you too." Her dark eyes find Edward's light ones as he speaks huskily "I promise to protect you. I will always protect you." Claire smiles at the raw emotion in Edward's voice. Silently, she makes the same promise. She will always protect him.   

In the morning, Claire is visited by lord Narcisse. A guard enters her room "Your highness, Lord Narcisse is requesting to speak with you." Claire waves her hand "I'm expecting him. Let him in." The young boy bows respectfully before exiting. Claire dismisses her ladies "Leave. I will finish dressing after my meeting with lord Narcisse." One of the servants furrows her brow "Would you like me to fetch your robe for you?" Claire smiles at herself in the mirror "No." The ladies hesitantly leave as Narcisse enters the princess' chambers. He smirks when he sees her standing in only her petticoat "Good morning, princess." He sweeps into a deep bow and when he straightens up the smirk is still on his lips "Have I interrupted your morning?" Claire returns his smirk "Not at all." She sits down at her desk and takes a sip of her tea "I wanted to discuss something with you." Narcisse falls to his knees before the princess "Does it involve the absence of your fiancee?" Claire rolls her eyes as she grasps Narcisse' chin and turns his face up towards hers "No, Stephan, it doesn't." He pouts "Very well." He doesn't rise from his place on his knees before her "What are you wanting to discuss?" Claire smirks at him from over her tea cup "I'm sure you remember the letter that I sent to Rome after my father's death." Narcisse's smirk transforms into a grin and his eyes brighten "I believe I do." Claire reaches for a piece of parchment on her desk and passes it to Narcisse as he stands. He reads it aloud "Pious Princess Claire," He looks up at her quizzically "Pious?" Claire shushes him "Read on." He continues "The Vatican and Pope Julius are ready to give you our indefinite support as you prepare for your ascension to the throne of France. You may proceed with Rome's unwavering allegiance. Cardinal Morrisinni will be travelling to French court and will arrive within the week. He will send word when he is in Arles so that your highness can prepare for his arrival at French court. May God continue to bless you, your highness." Narcisse looks up with a look of glee "They are sending the cardinal?" Claire nods "It seems they are." Narcisse laughs cheerfully "You brilliant girl!" He reaches down to grasp Claire's hands and pulls her to her feet "You will be queen, my dear." Claire grins "Stephan, remind me again why you want me on the throne instead of my brothers?" Narcisse spins Claire as if he is dancing with her "Because you, my dear, are a born ruler. Francis is soft. He leads with his heart. You, however, will lead with aggression and charisma. You are your father's daughter." Claire chuckles "I am grateful for your support, Stephan." He kisses her hand "There was a time when I had hoped it would be I standing by your side." Claire smiles "Now I am marrying Edward." Narcisse's signature smirk reappears "Ah, yes. I have heard the servants whispering about you two and your...nightly activities." His smirk falls away as a thought enters his mind "Does he know?" Claire raises her brows in question "About the throne? No. As far as Edward knows, I gave up the throne when my father died. I have to tell him, Stephan. Edward is strong, intelligent, familiar with military strategy, and he has shown nothing but devotion for me. But how do I tell him without also telling him that I lied to him?" Narcisse thinks for a moment before snapping his fingers "Simply tell him that the Vatican reached out to you. The Pope honored your time of mourning, and is now ready to negotiate once again. You had given it up, but now there is an opportunity being handed to you by the Pope himself. Edward would be a fool to turn away from such an offer." Claire laughs humorlessly "So I mask one lie with another?" Narcisse chuckles "My love, you are so wise beyond your years. There is still so much for you to learn, though. You will not be lying. The Vatican did reach out to you, Edward will just be unaware that you reached out first." He hands the letter to her "Take this to him and tell him of a prior letter that Rome sent you two months ago. You had given up your ambition for the throne for mourning. Then a month ago, out of curiosity and anger at your brother arranging your marriage, you reached out to the Vatican to explore possibilities." Claire bites her lip as she considers what Narcisse is saying "It may work. I am going to go to him now. He should be in the court yard shooting archery with Bash." She turns to leave then turns back to Narcisse "Thank you. I would be lost without your counsel." She kisses his cheek and turns to leave. As she opens the door to her chambers, Narcisse shuts it quickly "Your highness, I do not doubt that presenting this news clad only in your petticoat will make Edward more agreeable, but that may not be well received by the rest of French court." Claire looks down and remembers that she has not finished dressing. Narcisse laughs as her mouth forms a bashful 'o' and a faint blush rises to her cheeks. He kisses her temple "I will have servants come to assist you." Claire thanks him bashfully as he leaves. She is still gripping the Vatican's letter in her hand as she prays that Edward will continue to stand by her side.

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